Aspose.Cells.dll Aspose.Slides.dll Aspose.words.dll Aspose.Slides
Represents an SVG options.
Initializes a new instance of the SVGOptions class.
Determines whether the text on a slide will be saved as graphics.
Read/write .
Returns or sets the lower resolution limit for metafile rasterization.
Read/write .
Determines whether the 3D text is disabled in SVG.
Read/write .
Disables splitting FromCornerX and FromCenter gradients.
Read/write .
SVG 1.1 lacks ability to define insets for markers.
Aspose.Slides SVG writing engine has workaround for that problem: it crops end of line with arrow, so, line doesn't overlap markers.
This option switches off such behaviour.
Returns default settings.
Returns settings for simpliest and smallest SVG file generation.
Returns settings for most accurate SVG file generation.
Determine using SVGOptions.VectorizeText value.
Save as text.
Convert text to a graphic path.
Summary description for NonNativeCanvas.
Summary description for Canvas.
Draws and fills a graphics path.
path to draw
contouring parameters
filling parameters
Draws and fills a rectangle.
rectangle to draw
contouring parameters
filling parameters
Draws and fills a rectangle.
rectangle to draw
contouring parameters
filling parameters
Draws and fills a ellipse.
rectangle, defining ellipse to draw
contouring parameters
filling parameters
Draws and fills a ellipse.
rectangle, defining ellipse to draw
contouring parameters
filling parameters
Measures size of box, need to fit text unformatted string
text to measure
font parameters
Draws unformatted text string.
text to draw
coordinates, where top-left of text box should be placed
font and color parameters
Signals next text will be a hyperlink to something.
Ends current link.
Signals next text will be a hyperlink to something.
Ends current link.
Signals end of paragraph
Signals line break reached
Draws an Image.