



A_Star.zip 大约有22个文件
  1. A_Star/
  2. A_Star/A_Star/
  3. A_Star/A_Star.sln 884B
  4. A_Star/A_Star.suo 7.5KB
  5. A_Star/A_Star/AStar.cpp 5.54KB
  6. A_Star/A_Star/AStar.h 1.74KB
  7. A_Star/A_Star/A_Star.cpp 2.04KB
  8. A_Star/A_Star/A_Star.h 508B
  9. A_Star/A_Star/A_Star.rc 4.79KB
  10. A_Star/A_Star/A_Star.vcproj 5.48KB
  11. A_Star/A_Star/A_StarDlg.cpp 8.18KB
  12. A_Star/A_Star/A_StarDlg.h 1.69KB
  13. A_Star/A_Star/ReadMe.txt 3.91KB
  14. A_Star/A_Star/res/
  15. A_Star/A_Star/resource.h 862B
  16. A_Star/A_Star/res/A_Star.ico 66.19KB
  17. A_Star/A_Star/res/A_Star.rc2 397B
  18. A_Star/A_Star/stdafx.cpp 208B
  19. A_Star/A_Star/stdafx.h 1.98KB
  20. A_Star/A_Star/targetver.h 1.4KB
  21. A_Star/Release/
  22. A_Star/Release/A_Star.exe 99KB


A*算法,也被称为A星搜索算法,是一种在图形中寻找从起点到目标点最短路径的优化寻路算法。这个算法结合了Dijkstra算法的全局最优性和BFS(宽度优先搜索)的效率,通过引入启发式函数来指导搜索,从而在有限的计算时间内找到最优解。 A*算法的核心思想是利用一个评估函数来指导搜索方向,该函数由两部分组成:g(n)是从起点到当前节点的实际代价,h(n)是从当前节点到目标节点的估计代价。两者的总和f(n) = g(n) + h(n)就是用于排序开放列表的标准,这样可以优先考虑更有可能到达目标的节点。 在C++中实现A*算法,通常会涉及到以下几个关键步骤: 1. **数据结构**:我们需要定义两个主要的数据结构,一个是节点(Node),包含了节点的位置、父节点、代价和评估函数值;另一个是优先队列(通常用最小堆实现),用于存储待探索的节点,根据f(n)值进行排序。 2. **初始化**:设置起点和目标节点,初始化开放列表和关闭列表。开放列表存放待探索节点,关闭列表存放已探索过的节点。 3. **循环搜索**:在每次循环中,从开放列表中取出f(n)值最小的节点,将其加入关闭列表。然后,对这个节点的所有邻居进行以下操作: - 计算通过当前节点到达邻居的代价g(n)。 - 预估从邻居到目标的代价h(n)。这通常使用曼哈顿距离或欧几里得距离等启发式函数。 - 计算邻居的总评估函数f(n)。 - 如果邻居已经在开放列表或关闭列表中,且新的f(n)值更低,则更新其信息。 - 如果邻居尚未被探索,将其添加到开放列表中,并记录当前节点为其父节点。 4. **结束条件**:当开放列表为空或找到目标节点时,搜索结束。如果找到目标节点,可以通过回溯父节点信息构建出最短路径。 在MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)环境中实现A*算法,主要是将上述逻辑与MFC的消息处理机制相结合。MFC是一个面向对象的类库,用于开发Windows应用程序。你可以创建一个MFC应用,用图形界面展示寻路过程,如使用C++的控件绘制地图,节点和路径。通过响应用户交互(例如点击起点和目标点)来启动A*算法,并在每一步更新图形界面,显示当前搜索状态。 需要注意的是,本例中的实现可能仅包含最基础的A*算法,没有处理一些复杂情况,比如动态障碍物或不可通行的节点。此外,MFC消息处理可能不完善,意味着它可能不支持实时更新或者用户交互。对于实际应用,你需要进一步完善这些方面,确保算法在各种情况下都能正确运行并提供良好的用户体验。
================================================================================ MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : A_Star Project Overview =============================================================================== The application wizard has created this A_Star application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your A_Star application. A_Star.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an application wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the application wizard. A_Star.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CA_StarApp application class. A_Star.cpp This is the main application source file that contains the application class CA_StarApp. A_Star.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. Your project resources are in 1033. res\A_Star.ico This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon. This icon is included by the main resource file A_Star.rc. res\A_Star.rc2 This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by the resource editor in this file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The application wizard creates one dialog class: A_StarDlg.h, A_StarDlg.cpp - the dialog These files contain your CA_StarDlg class. This class defines the behavior of your application's main dialog. The dialog's template is in A_Star.rc, which can be edited in Microsoft Visual C++. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other Features: ActiveX Controls The application includes support to use ActiveX controls. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named A_Star.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. Resource.h This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs. Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file. A_Star.manifest Application manifest files are used by Windows XP to describe an applications dependency on specific versions of Side-by-Side assemblies. The loader uses this information to load the appropriate assembly from the assembly cache or private from the application. The Application manifest maybe included for redistribution as an external .manifest file that is installed in the same folder as the application executable or it may be included in the executable in the form of a resource. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: The application wizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, you will need to redistribute the MFC DLLs. If your application is in a language other than the operating system's locale, you will also have to redistribute the corresponding localized resources MFC90XXX.DLL. For more information on both of these topics, please see the section on redistributing Visual C++ applications in MSDN documentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////