



WinAircrackPack.rar 大约有26个文件
  1. PEEK.DLL 9.59KB
  2. README.txt 13.96KB
  3. Updater.exe 375.74KB
  4. Updater.ini 268B
  5. WinAircrack.exe 378KB
  6. WinAircrack.ini 115B
  7. wzcook.exe 16.88KB
  8. 使用说明.txt 1.41KB
  9. 详细教程.txt 2.97KB
  10. Lang\english.ini 3.03KB
  11. Lang\francais.ini 3.51KB
  12. Lang\spanish.ini 3.25KB
  13. Lang\system.ini.txt 205B
  14. Lang
  15. Temp\Download.tmp
  16. Temp
  17. Updater\Data.upd 132B
  18. Updater
  19. aircrack.exe 26.16KB
  20. airdecap.exe 34.35KB
  21. airodump.exe 26.89KB
  22. cygwin1.dll 466.73KB
  23. MSVCR70.DLL 146.21KB
  24. PEEK5.SYS 7.62KB
  25. 飞翔下载.url 204B
  26. 飞翔下载说明.txt 506B


WinAirCrackPack工具包是一款无线局域网扫描和密钥破解工具,主要包括airodump和aircrack等工具。它可以监视无线网络中传输的数据,收集数据包,并能计算出WEP/WPA密钥。 NetStumbler是一款专门用来寻找无线AP的工具,是目前最流行的无线搜寻工具,而且它是完全免费的,可以从http://down1.tech.sina.com.cn/do 免费下载。只要开启NetStumbler后便能自动显示附近探测到的无线AP,并且能够显示这些无线AP的SSID、MAC地址、频段、速度、是否加密等信息。值得一提的是,NetStumbler可以显示设置了隐藏SSID的无线AP,在软件界面中可以看到该AP的绿灯在不断闪烁。 在NetStumbler左边的树状结构中列出了各频段检测到的无线AP。由于NetStumbler进行了全面的扫描,所以附近的无线AP将一览无余。因为它是美国人开发的软件,所以它只能检测1~11之间的11个频段,而国内的无线频段分为13个频段,则12~13频段的无线AP将无法搜寻到。有了NetStumbler,你可以检测到无线AP的IP地址、MAC地址、SSID以及生产厂商。还有一个参数不得不提,就是Type栏显示了该AP是否有WEP加密。对于允许加入的无WEP加密无线AP(一般是公共AP),你就可以连接后通过它来上网了。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aircrack documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is aircrack ? aircrack is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks: + airodump: 802.11 packet capture program + aireplay: 802.11 packet injection program + aircrack: static WEP and WPA-PSK key cracker + airdecap: decrypts WEP/WPA capture files It says "cygwin1.dll not found" when I start aircrack.exe. You can download this library from: http://100h.org/wlan/aircrack/. To use aircrack, drag&drop your .cap or .ivs capture file(s) over aircrack.exe. If you want to pass options to the program you'll have to start a shell (cmd.exe) and manually type the command line; there are no plans to develop a GUI for aircrack. C:\TEMP> aircrack.exe -n 64 -f 8 out1.cap out2.cap See below for a list of options. Note: you can also use Kismet .dump files for WEP cracking. Where can I download peek.dll ? Both peek.dll and peek5.sys are provided in Peek.zip. They should be put in the same directory as airodump.exe. To use airodump, you must check your hardware compatibility and install a supported driver. Where to download aircrack ? The official download location is http://www.cr0.net:8040/code/network/. However, if you can't access port 8040 for some reason, you may use this mirror instead: http://100h.org/wlan/aircrack/. Also check this WEP cracking video, and this other WPA cracking video (flash required). Is there an aircrack discussion forum ? There is no aircrack mailing-list, however you can post your bugreports and feature requests on the netstumbler Linux forum which I read quite regularly. What is the song in that WEP cracking video ? The name of the song is Moskau, performed by Dschinghis Khan. How do I crack a static WEP key ? The basic idea is to capture as much encrypted traffic as possible using airodump. Each WEP data packet has an associated 3-byte Initialization Vector (IV): after a sufficient number of data packets have been collected, run aircrack on the resulting capture file. aircrack will then perform a set of statistical attacks developped by a talented hacker named KoreK. How many IVs are required to crack WEP ? WEP cracking is not an exact science. The number of required IVs depends on the WEP key length, and it also depends on your luck. Usually, 40-bit WEP can be cracked with 300.000 IVs, and 104-bit WEP can be cracked with 1.000.000 IVs; if you're out of luck you may need two million IVs, or more. There's no way to know the WEP key length: this information is kept hidden and never announced, either in management or data packets; as a consequence, airodump can not report the WEP key length. Thus, it is recommended to run aircrack twice: when you have 250.000 IVs, start aircrack with "-n 64" to crack 40-bit WEP. Then if the key isn't found, restart aircrack (without the -n option) to crack 104-bit WEP. I can't seem to capture any IVs ! Possible reasons: + You are standing too far from the access point. + There is no traffic on the target wireless network. + There is some G traffic but you're capturing in B mode. + Something is wrong with your card (firmware problem ?) By the way, beacons are just unencrypted announcement packets. They're totally useless for WEP cracking. Why is there no Windows version of aireplay ? The PEEK driver doesn't support 802.11 packet injection. In fact, there are no windows drivers supporting injection AT ALL. And I am NOT going to write one, so don't bother asking me. Also, the PEEK driver is only compatible with Windows 2000 / XP. It will not work under Windows 9x. Is my card compatible with airodump / aireplay ? First of all, search Google to find which chipset your card has. For example, if you have a Linksys WPC54G search for "wpc54g chipset linux". +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Supported by | Supported by | Supported by | | Chipset | airodump for | airodump for | aireplay for | | | Windows ? | Linux ? | Linux ? | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | YES (Agere | YES (patched | NO (firmware | | HermesI | driver) | orinoco driver) | corrupts the | | | | | MAC header) | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | | YES (HostAP or | YES (either | | | NO, but see | wlan-ng driver), | with HostAP or | | Prism2/3 | LinkFerret for | STA firmware | wlan-ng, driver | | | an alternative | 1.5.6 or newer | patching | | | | required | required) | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | NO, but see | YES (prism54 | YES (driver | | PrismGT | LinkFerret for | driver, FullMAC | patching | | | an alternative | cards only!) | recommended) | | | (FullMAC only) | | | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | YES (Atheros | YES (madwifi | YES (driver | | Atheros | driver) | driver) | patching | | | | | required) | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | | | YES (driver | | | YES (Realtek | YES ( | patching | | RTL8180 | driver) | rtl8180-sa2400 | required), but | | | | driver) | somewhat | | | | | unreliable | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | YES (Cisco | YES (airo driver, | | | Aironet | driver) | firmware 4.25.30 | NO | | | | recommended) | | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | | | YES (driver | | Ralink | NO | YES (rt2500 / | patching | | | | rt2570 driver) | required for | | | | | rt2570) | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | | PARTIAL: the | | | Centrino b | NO | ipw2100 driver | NO | | | | doesn't discard | | | | | corrupted packets | | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | Centrino b | NO | YES (ipw2200 | NO (firmware | | /g | | driver) | drops packets) | |------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------| | | | NO (and by the | | | Br