首页下载资源前端chrome谷歌浏览器插件 IDM Integration Module 6.36.5

ZIPchrome谷歌浏览器插件 IDM Integration Module 6.36.5 99.79KB

文件:IDMGCExt - 副本.zip


**正文** IDM Integration Module 6.36.5 是一款专为谷歌浏览器(Chrome)设计的插件,同时也适用于Opera浏览器。这款插件的主要功能是集成并优化Internet Download Manager (IDM) 的功能,使其能够更好地在浏览器环境中运行,提供高效、便捷的下载管理服务。 **1. IDM(Internet Download Manager)** Internet Download Manager 是一款强大的下载管理工具,它能提高下载速度高达5倍,支持恢复和计划下载。如果下载过程中出现网络问题或意外中断,IDM 可以从中断点继续下载,避免了重新开始的麻烦。此外,IDM 还具备批量下载、视频和音频捕获、预定下载等高级特性。 **2. IDM Integration Module** IDM Integration Module 则是IDM与浏览器之间的桥梁,它使得IDM能够识别并接管浏览器中的下载任务,比如当你在浏览网页时点击视频或者文件下载链接,IDM会自动弹出并接管下载,提供更快的下载速度和更完善的管理功能。通过此插件,用户可以在浏览器内无缝使用IDM的所有优点。 **3. 文件结构** 在解压后的IDMGCExt.zip文件中,包含以下关键文件: - **welcome.html, captured.html**: 这些HTML文件通常用于向用户提供插件的欢迎界面或关于如何使用插件的指导。 - **background.js, content.js, welcome.js, document.js, debug.js**: 这些JavaScript文件是插件的核心代码,负责实现各种功能逻辑,如背景任务处理、内容脚本、欢迎界面的交互逻辑以及文档操作和调试功能。 - **manifest.json**: 这是浏览器扩展的配置文件,包含了插件的元数据,如名称、版本、权限、图标、启动脚本等信息,是浏览器识别和管理插件的重要依据。 - **_metadata**: 这个文件夹可能包含有关插件的额外元数据,如作者信息、版权等。 - **_locales**: 这个文件夹包含了插件的多语言资源,允许插件根据用户的系统语言显示相应的文本。 **4. 安装与使用** 安装IDM Integration Module 通常需要解压文件后,在浏览器的扩展管理界面手动加载已解压的扩展程序。在谷歌浏览器中,可以通过`chrome://extensions/`路径访问扩展管理页面,然后启用“开发者模式”并点击“加载已解压的扩展程序”。选择解压后的文件夹,即可完成安装。 在Opera浏览器中,步骤类似,但可能需要在设置中启用“实验性扩展”或“开发者模式”。 安装完成后,用户在浏览器中点击下载链接时,IDM会自动接管,提供更快的下载速度和更丰富的下载管理功能。 IDM Integration Module 6.36.5 是一个为提升浏览器下载体验而设计的插件,通过与IDM的紧密配合,使得在线下载变得更加高效和便捷。无论是对于日常用户还是对下载有较高需求的专业人士,它都是一个值得拥有的工具。
&lt;!DOCTYPE html> &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt;IDM Integration Module&lt;/title&gt; [removed][removed] &lt;style&gt; body { height: 100%; margin: 0; background-color: #FAFDFE; font-size: large; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .warn { font-weight: bold; color: #AA0000; } .note { font-style: italic; font-size: medium; } #layoutWrapper { height: auto !important; min-height: 100%; margin: 0 auto -6em; } #layoutContent { margin: 0 5em; line-height: 150%; } #layoutFooter { margin: 0 5em; text-align: center; font-style: italic; font-size: smaller; } #layoutFooter, #layoutSpacer { height: 6em; } #logoFooter { float: left; display: block; position: absolute; } button { padding: 0.5em; font-size: large; border-radius: 5px; } button .markGood { color: #11AA11; } button .markBad { color: #AA0000; } &lt;/style&gt; &lt;/head&gt; &lt;body&gt; <div id="layoutWrapper"> <div xss=removed> <img src="images/headTitle.gif" alt="Internet Download Manager" width="466" height="61"> </div> <div id="layoutContent"> <p><br></p> <h3>Internet Download Manager extension for <span id="msgBrowserName">Google Chrome</span> has been <span id="msgExtInstalled">installed</span><span id="msgExtUpdated" xss=removed>updated</span>.</h3> <hr width="100%" color="darkBlue" size="1"> <div id="msgDataConsent"> <h4><u>Data Transfer Consent</u></h4> <p>To download files or multimedia content Firefox browser makes requests to the respective servers over the network. This add-on transfers data of such requests to Internet Download Manager (IDM) desktop application to download files in IDM instead of browser.</p> <p>Do you allow IDM Integration Module to transfer this data to IDM to download files in IDM?</p> &lt;button id="btnConsentAgree"&gt;<b class="markGood">✓</b> I Allow&lt;/button&gt;     &lt;button id="btnConsentDisagree"&gt;<b class="markBad">✗</b> I Decline&lt;/button&gt; <p class="note">∗∗∗ This data is stored by IDM on your local computer only until you delete this download from IDM list of downloads.</p> <p class="note">∗∗∗ This data may include URL, internet address, cookies, encrypted credentials, query parameters, post data, namely all the data that the browser sends to the server when requesting the file. In rare cases this data may contain your potentially personally identifying information.</p> <p>Full details about the transferred data, how this data is used and stored, are provided in our <a id="linkPolicyView" href="#policy">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> </div> <div id="msgPrivacyPolicy"> <h4><u>Privacy Policy</u></h4> <p>IDM Integration Module extension for FireFox browser does not collect any data or information except for the following case when it collects data that is required to support IDM (Internet Download Manager) core functions.</p> <p>When a browser starts a download that is going to be saved as a file on your local disk, and not displayed in the browser, and the file type matches file types in <i>Options≫File Types</i> IDM dialog, or when you start a download by using IDM pop-up menu or IDM download panel, then IDM Integration Module extension for FireFox may collect only the data that is necessary to download this file in IDM from this particular web site. This data is necessary to start, or resume the download, or schedule this download in Internet Download Manager. The data may include URL, internet address, cookies, encrypted credentials, query parameters, post data, namely all the data that the browser sends to the server when requesting the file. In rare cases this data may contain your potentially personally identifying information.</p> <p>This data is stored on your local computer until you delete this download from the IDM's list of downloads. To download a file, IDM re-sends the original download query made by your browser. IDM sends the data only to the server where the browser sent it to, IDM DOES NOT send this data to our servers, or any 3rd party servers.</p> &lt;button id="btnPolicyBack"&gt;<b>⇐</b> Return to Consent Form&lt;/button&gt; </div> <div id="msgPolicyAccept"> <p>Thank you! You can start using Internet Download Manager for Firefox downloads now.</p> </div> <div id="msgRefusalConfirm"> <p>Unfortunately, without transferring data to Internet Download Manager (IDM) from Firefox browser, IDM will not be able to work. Unless you wish to reconsider the data you allow to transfer, we recommend you to remove the extension.</p> &lt;button id="btnRefusalBack"&gt;<b>⇐</b> Revisit Consent Form&lt;/button&gt;     &lt;button id="btnRemoveAddon"&gt;<b class="markBad">✗</b> Remove IDM Integration Module&lt;/button&gt; <p class="note">∗∗∗ The requirement to provide this consent form is imposed by the Firefox <a target="_blank" href="https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/publish/add-on-policies/">Add-on Policies</a>.</p> </div> <div id="msgIdmNotInstalled"> <p class="warn">Error: Cannot launch IDM, either IDM application is not installed, or some of its files are corrupted</p> <p>This extension works in conjunction with <a href="http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/" target="_blank"><b>Internet Download Manager</b></a> (IDM) software.<br> To use the extension, you should have IDM desktop application installed on your computer, and version number <b id="msgAppMinVersion1">6.39</b> or newer is required.<br> Advanced browser integration must be enabled in the IDM options.</p> <p>To download a 30-day free trial version, please open <a href="http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html" target="_blank">IDM Download page</a>.</p> <p class="note">∗∗∗ If this extension was added by the browser <b>Sync</b> function and you do not have IDM installed on this computer, please click "<b>Close Page</b>" button once to suppress this error message.</p> </div> <div id="msgIdmNeedsUpdate"> <p class="warn">Warning: Your IDM is very old. Some features require that IDM version number <b id="msgAppMinVersion2">6.39</b> or newer is installed, please update your IDM and restart the browser.</p> <p>To download the latest version, please open <a href="http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html" target="_blank">IDM Download page</a>, or select <b><i>Help≫Check for updates</i></b> in the IDM's menu bar.</p> </div> <div id="msgIncognitoAccess"> <p>Please note:</p> <p>If you want to use IDM integration in <b id="msgIncognitoName">Incognito browsing mode</b> as well, open the Extensions page and turn on "<span id="msgIncognitoEnable">Allow in incognito</span>" checkbox for the IDM Integration Module extension.</p> </div> <div id="msgClosePage" xss=removed> &lt;button id="btnClosePage"&gt;Close Page&lt;/button&gt; </div> <div id="msgCloseWindow" xss=removed> &lt;button id="btnCloseWindow"&gt;Close Window&lt;/button&gt; </div> <p><br></p> <p><b> <a id="linkContactSupport" href="http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/support/chrome_integration.html" target="_blank">Contact us&lt;/