



fft.zip 大约有47个文件
  1. fft/
  2. fft/.ccsproject 833B
  3. fft/.clangd 180B
  4. fft/.cproject 14KB
  5. fft/.project 570B
  6. fft/.settings/
  7. fft/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core.prefs 62B
  8. fft/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs 208B
  9. fft/Debug/
  10. fft/Debug/.clangd/
  11. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/
  12. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/
  13. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/index/
  14. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/index/empty.c.683A05516DB7DE8E.idx 228B
  15. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/index/empty.c.F1B0EC7D0892DFAE.idx 196B
  16. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/index/fft.c.816806E29B3607F0.idx 4.76KB
  17. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/index/ti_msp_dl_config.c.585678CCEE82FD4D.idx 10.57KB
  18. fft/Debug/.clangd/.cache/clangd/index/ti_msp_dl_config.h.98EC5C1C8CFC6757.idx 2.76KB
  19. fft/Debug/.clangd/compile_commands.json 1.69KB
  20. fft/Debug/Event.dot 1.51KB
  21. fft/Debug/ccsObjs.opt 120B
  22. fft/Debug/device.cmd.genlibs 2.62KB
  23. fft/Debug/device.opt 18B
  24. fft/Debug/device_linker.cmd 2.67KB
  25. fft/Debug/fft.d 10.11KB
  26. fft/Debug/fft.map 45.57KB
  27. fft/Debug/fft.o 26.52KB
  28. fft/Debug/fft.out 264.16KB
  29. fft/Debug/fft_linkInfo.xml 258.26KB
  30. fft/Debug/makefile 3.86KB
  31. fft/Debug/objects.mk 277B
  32. fft/Debug/sources.mk 2.28KB
  33. fft/Debug/startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 4.63KB
  34. fft/Debug/startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.o 4.16KB
  35. fft/Debug/subdir_rules.mk 3.06KB
  36. fft/Debug/subdir_vars.mk 1.43KB
  37. fft/Debug/ti_msp_dl_config.c 12.25KB
  38. fft/Debug/ti_msp_dl_config.d 9.81KB
  39. fft/Debug/ti_msp_dl_config.h 7.55KB
  40. fft/Debug/ti_msp_dl_config.o 65.41KB
  41. fft/README.html 68.48KB
  42. fft/README.md 1.98KB
  43. fft/fft.c 6.11KB
  44. fft/fft.syscfg 5.04KB
  45. fft/targetConfigs/
  46. fft/targetConfigs/MSPM0G3507.ccxml 1.67KB
  47. fft/targetConfigs/readme.txt 806B


## Example Summary Empty project using DriverLib. This example shows a basic empty project using DriverLib with just main file and SysConfig initialization. ## Peripherals & Pin Assignments | Peripheral | Pin | Function | | --- | --- | --- | | SYSCTL | | | | DEBUGSS | PA20 | Debug Clock | | DEBUGSS | PA19 | Debug Data In Out | ## BoosterPacks, Board Resources & Jumper Settings Visit [LP_MSPM0G3507](https://www.ti.com/tool/LP-MSPM0G3507) for LaunchPad information, including user guide and hardware files. | Pin | Peripheral | Function | LaunchPad Pin | LaunchPad Settings | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | PA20 | DEBUGSS | SWCLK | N/A |
  • PA20 is used by SWD during debugging
    • `J101 15:16 ON` Connect to XDS-110 SWCLK while debugging
    • `J101 15:16 OFF` Disconnect from XDS-110 SWCLK if using pin in application
| | PA19 | DEBUGSS | SWDIO | N/A |
  • PA19 is used by SWD during debugging
    • `J101 13:14 ON` Connect to XDS-110 SWDIO while debugging
    • `J101 13:14 OFF` Disconnect from XDS-110 SWDIO if using pin in application
| ### Device Migration Recommendations This project was developed for a superset device included in the LP_MSPM0G3507 LaunchPad. Please visit the [CCS User's Guide](https://software-dl.ti.com/msp430/esd/MSPM0-SDK/latest/docs/english/tools/ccs_ide_guide/doc_guide/doc_guide-srcs/ccs_ide_guide.html#sysconfig-project-migration) for information about migrating to other MSPM0 devices. ### Low-Power Recommendations TI recommends to terminate unused pins by setting the corresponding functions to GPIO and configure the pins to output low or input with internal pullup/pulldown resistor. SysConfig allows developers to easily configure unused pins by selecting **Board**→**Configure Unused Pins**. For more information about jumper configuration to achieve low-power using the MSPM0 LaunchPad, please visit the [LP-MSPM0G3507 User's Guide](https://www.ti.com/lit/slau873). ## Example Usage Compile, load and run the example.