



纯c语言迷宫源码.zip 大约有10个文件
  1. 纯c语言迷宫源码/
  2. 纯c语言迷宫源码/新建文件夹/
  3. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/
  4. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/
  5. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/09.c 5.12KB
  6. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/09.dsp 3.27KB
  7. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/09.dsw 512B
  8. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/09.ncb 33KB
  9. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/09.opt 47.5KB
  10. 纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/纯c语言迷宫源码/09.plg 724B


#include #include #include /* 【自学去】网站收集 http://www.zixue7.com */ /*迷宫的数组*/ int maze[100][100]; /*迷宫的行数和列数*/ int m=0,n=0; /* *对迷宫进行初始化,用随机数产生迷宫 */ void InitMaze() { int i,j,temp; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); for(i=1;i<=m;i++) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { temp=rand()%100; if(temp>30) { maze[i-1][j-1]=0; }else { maze[i-1][j-1]=1; } } maze[0][0]=0; maze[m-1][n-1]=9; } /* *定义栈和栈的节点 */ typedef struct Node { int x; int y; struct Node *next; }Node,*Stack; /* *初始化Stack */ void InitStack(Node *Stack) { Stack=(Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(Stack==NULL) { printf("分配空间失败\n"); exit(0); }else { Stack->next=NULL; } } /* *压栈 */ void push(Node *Stack,int x,int y) { Node *temp; temp=(Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (!temp) { printf("分配内存空间错误"); return; } else { temp->x=x; temp->y=y; temp->next=Stack->next; Stack->next=temp; } } /* *出栈 */ void pop(Node *Stack,int *x,int *y) { Node *temp; temp=Stack->next; if(!temp){ return; }else{ *x=temp->x; *y=temp->y; } Stack->next=temp->next; free(temp); } /* *判断栈是否为空 */ int isEmpty(Node *Stasck) { return ((Stasck->next)==NULL); } /* *判断从该点时候可以向其他方向移动,并返回移动的方向 */ int pass(int i,int j) { /*右方向*/ if(j=1&&(maze[i][j-1]==0||maze[i][j-1]==9)) { return 4; } /*上方向*/ if(i>=1&&(maze[i-1][j]==0||maze[i-1][j]==9)) { return 5; } return -1; } /* *对迷宫进行打印 */ void drawMaze() { int i=0,j=0; for(i=0;i0,m<100):"); scanf("%d",&m); printf("plase input the number of line n(n>0,n<100):"); scanf("%d",&n); if(m<0||m>100||n<0||n>100){ printf("The number is error,process will exit !\n"); exit(-1); } printf("The character is 'a',it is area.\n"); printf("The character is 'b',it is wall.\n"); printf("\n"); InitMaze(); printf("The oid Maze:\n"); printf("\n"); drawMaze(); printf("\n show the path ?(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); if(toupper(getch())=='Y') { printf("\n"); ShowPath(); printf("\n go on play ?(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); if(toupper(getch())=='Y') { goto loop; } else { exit(1); } } else { exit(1); } getch(); return 0; }