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SAE+J1939.zip 大约有12个文件
  1. SAE+J1939-01-2000.pdf 92.14KB
  2. SAE+J1939-11-1999.pdf 1.36MB
  3. SAE+J1939-13-2004.pdf 169.04KB
  4. SAE+J1939-15-2003.pdf 206.22KB
  5. SAE+J1939-2005.pdf 3.05MB
  6. SAE+J1939-21-2001.pdf 430.83KB
  7. SAE+J1939-31-2004.pdf 444.36KB
  8. SAE+J1939-71-2006.pdf 2.42MB
  9. SAE+J1939-73-2004.pdf 692.8KB
  10. SAE+J1939-74-2004.pdf 281.41KB
  11. SAE+J1939-75-2002.pdf 114.55KB
  12. SAE+J1939-81-2003.pdf 176.14KB


SEA J1939 标准英文原版 高清
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Issued 2000-04
Revised 2005-01
Superseding J1939 AUG2003
This series of SAE Recommended Practices has been developed by the Truck & Bus Control and
Communications Network Subcommittee of the Truck & Bus Electrical & Electronics Committee. The
objectives of the subcommittee are to develop information reports, recommended practices and standards
concerned with the requirements, design, and usage of ECUs which transmit electrical signals and control
information among vehicle components. The usage of these Recommended Practices is not limited to
truck and bus applications; other applications may be accommodated with immediate support being
provided for construction and agricultural equipment, and stationary power systems.
These SAE Recommended Practices are intended as a guide toward standard practice and are subject to
change so as to keep pace with experience and technical advances.
The Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol described in these Recommended Practices is the
intellectual property of Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch). Bosch will grant a license to any company which
intends to manufacture or design CAN ECUs. ONLY the manufacturer of the integrated circuit containing
the CAN protocol or implementers of the CAN protocol in software must deal with the copyright license
process. The user of the CAN protocol does not require a license. Licensing information and applications
can be obtained at the following address:
Robert Bosch GmbH
Attn: Licensing Department
PO Box 106050
D-70049 Stuttgart
Federal Republic of Germany
These Recommended Practices are being generated to continue the work accomplished by the J1708,
J1587, and J1922 Recommended Practices. The J1939 series of Recommended Practices will offer a
higher performance alternative to these earlier documents.
This document reflects changes and additions approved and balloted through December 2003.
(R) Recommended Practice for a Serial Control and Communications Vehicle Network
Copyright SAE International
Provided by IHS under license with SAE
Not for Resale
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
SAE J1939 Revised JAN2005
1. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Degree of Openness ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Proof of Compliance....................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Rationale ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. References..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Publications.................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Definitions and Abbreviations......................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 References to the OSI Model:........................................................................................ 7
2.4 Documentation Structure and Guide.............................................................................. 9
3. Technical Requirements .............................................................................................. 10
3.1 J1939 Tutorial .............................................................................................................. 10
3.1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Message Format and Usage (J1939/21 for 29 Bit Identifier) ....................................... 10
3.1.3 Addresses and NAME (J1939/81 and Appendix B) ..................................................... 12
3.1.4 Communication Methods ............................................................................................. 13
3.1.5 Transmitting Messages (Using J1939/21 and J1939/7X) ............................................ 14
3.1.6 Receiving Messages (Using J1939/21 and J1939/7X) ................................................ 14
3.1.7 ECU Design (Using J1939/11, J1939/21, and J1939/7X) ............................................ 14
3.1.8 Network Topology — J1939/01 Using Physical Layer J1939/11
and Network Layer J1939/31 ....................................................................................... 15
3.2 Preassigned Values ..................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Parameter Group Numbers.......................................................................................... 15
3.2.2 Data Field Grouping ..................................................................................................... 16
3.2.3 NAME Systems and Functions .................................................................................... 16
3.2.4 Industry Group ............................................................................................................. 17
3.2.5 Manufacturer Code ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2.6 Preferred Address ........................................................................................................ 18
3.2.7 Suspect Parameter Number (SPN).............................................................................. 18
3.3 Application Examples................................................................................................... 18
4. Notes............................................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Marginal Indicia ............................................................................................................ 20
Appendix A Parameter Group Assignments
B Address and Identity Assignments
C Fault Reporting Parameters
D Assignment Request Forms
Copyright SAE International
Provided by IHS under license with SAE
Not for Resale
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
SAE J1939 Revised JAN2005
1. Scope
These Recommended Practices are intended for light, medium, and heavy duty vehicles used on or off road as
well as appropriate stationary applications which use vehicle derived components (e.g. generator sets).
Vehicles of interest include, but are not limited to: on and off highway trucks and their trailers; construction
equipment; and agricultural equipment and implements.
The purpose of these Recommended Practices is to provide an open interconnect system for electronic
systems. It is the intention of these Recommended Practices to allow Electronic Control Units to communicate
with each other by providing a standard architecture.
1.1 Degree of Openness
A J1939 network is open to the degree that any two ECUs which conform to the same J1939/0X document can
be connected via the network and communicate with each other without functional interference. The J1939/0X
dcouments describe a specific type of application, typically representing a specific industry to which it pertains
such as agricultural or heavy duty trucks. ECUs which conform to a different J1939/0X document may not be
capable of communicating directly with one another and in some cases may cause degradation or complete
disruption of the entire network.
1.2 Proof of Compliance
There is no procedure presently in place to test, validate, or provide formal approval for ECUs utilizing the J1939
network. Each developer is expected to design their products to the spirit of, as well as the specific content of,
this recommended practice. Provisions are made in J1939/11 and J1939/12 for self certification to these
documents. In the future, it is hoped that procedures will be defined and implemented to test new products to
ensure full compliance with all appropriate J1939 documents. Until that time, compliance will be honorarily
determined. Should questions arise regarding the use or interpretation of any part of these recommended
practices they should be directed to the SAE Control and Communications Subcommittee for resolution.
1.3 Rationale
This document reflects changes and additions approved and balloted through December 2003.
2. References
2.1 Publications
ISO 7498 Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) - Basic
Reference Model.
ISO 11898 Road Vehicles — Interchange of Digital Information — Controller Area Network
(CAN) for High Speed Communication, December 1992
ISO 11992 Road Vehicles - Electrical Connections Between Towing and Towed Vehicles -
Interchange of Digital Information (Parts 1, 2, 3)
SAE J1213 Glossary of Automotive Electronic Terms
SAE J1708 Recommended Practice for Serial Data Communication Between
Microcomputer Systems in Heavy Duty Vehicle Applications.
SAE J1587 Recommended Practice for Electronic Data Interchange Between
Microcomputer Systems in Heavy Duty Vehicle Applications
SAE J1922 Powertrain Control Interface for Electronic Controls Used in Medium and Heavy
Duty Diesel On-Highway Vehicle Applications
SAE publications are available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. ISO
publications are available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright SAE International
Provided by IHS under license with SAE
Not for Resale
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
SAE J1939 Revised JAN2005
2.2 Definitions and Abbreviations
Definitions provided herein will supersede those contained in SAE J1213. SAE J1213 will otherwise apply
2.2.1 Definitions
Acknowledgment (ACK) — Confirms that the requested action has been understood and performed.
Address — The 8 bit field (or fields) used to define the source (and destination when applicable) of a message
(e.g. engine, transmission, etc.).
Arbitration — The process by which one or more ECUs resolve conflicts in obtaining access to a shared network
Bit Stuffing — A procedure used to assure the transmitted and received messages maintain a minimum number
of dominant to recessive edges, and vise versa, to maintain the proper resynchronization within the string of bits
in a CAN Data Frame. See CAN specification for a more detailed discussion.
Bridge — A device which stores and forwards messages between two J1939 network segments. This permits
changes in the media, the electrical interface, and data rate between segments. The protocol and address
space remain the same on both sides of the bridge. Note that a bridge may selectively filter messages going
across it so that the bus load is minimized on each segment.
Bus — See Segment.
CAN Data Frame — The ordered bit fields necessary to create a CAN frame used to convey data, beginning
with an SOF and ending with an EOF.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) — An error control mechanism. A 15 bit cyclic redundancy check is
performed for detecting transmission errors. Given a k-bit frame or message, the transmitter generates an n-bit
sequence, known as a frame check sequence so that the resulting frame, consisting of k + n bits is exactly
divisible by some predefined number. The receiver then divides the incoming frame by the same number and, if
there is no remainder, assumes that there was no error.
Data Field — A 0 to 64-bit field normally placed in a CAN data frame which contains the data as defined in the
Application Layer (document J1939/7X).
Data Page — One bit in the Identifier portion of the CAN Arbitration Field is used to select one of two pages of
Parameter Group Numbers. This provides for the future growth of Parameter Group definitions. It also is one
of the fields used to determine the Parameter Group Number which labels the data field of the CAN Data Frame.
Destination Address (DA) — This is a Protocol Data Unit (PDU) specific field in the 29 bit CAN identifier used to
indicate the address of the ECU intended to receive the J1939 message.
Device — A physical component with one or more ECUs and network connections.
Electronic Control Unit (ECU) — A computer based electronic assembly from which J1939 messages may be
sent or received.
End of Frame (EOF) — A 7 bit field marking the ending of a CAN data frame.
Extended Frame — A CAN data frame using a 29 bit identifier as defined in the CAN 2.0 specification.
Frame — A series of data bits making up a complete message. The frame is subdivided into a number of fields,
each field containing a predefined type of data. See CAN Data Frame
Function — A capability of a vehicle system having one or more ECUs that are connected to a J1939 bus
segment of a Vehicle System. The function value is used in the 8 bit Function field in the 64 bit NAME entity
(See J1939/81, Section 4.1)
Copyright SAE International
Provided by IHS under license with SAE
Not for Resale
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
SAE J1939 Revised JAN2005
Gateway — This device permits data to be transferred between two networks with different protocols or
message sets. The gateway provides a means to repackage parameters into new message groups when
transferring messages from one segment to another.
Group Extension (GE) — This is a PDU specific field of a J1939 CAN Data Frame that is used as part of the
information necessary to determine the Parameter Group Number.
Identifier — The identifier portion of the CAN arbitration field.
Idle — A state on the CAN bus where no node is transmitting or attempting to transmit data.
Implement — A machine consisting of one or more ECUs which may be attached to or detached from the
vehicle as a unit.
Media — The physical entity which conveys the electrical transmission (or equivalent means of communication)
between ECUs on the network. For J1939/11, the media consists of shielded twisted pair copper wires.
Message — A “message” is equivalent to one or more “CAN Data Frames” that have the same Parameter
Group Number. For instance the information related to a single Parameter Group Number to be transferred on
the bus may take several CAN data frames.
Multipacket Messages — A type of J1939 message which is used when more than one CAN data frame is
required to transmit all data specific to a given Parameter Group Number. Each CAN data frame will have the
same identifier but will contain different data in each packet.
NAME - An 8 byte value which uniquely identifies the primary function of an ECU and its instance on the
network. A device's NAME must be unique, no two devices may share the same NAME value on a given
vehicle network.
Node — A specific hardware connection of an ECU to the physical media. A specific node may have more than
one address claimed on the network.
Non-Volatile — Retention of changeable memory values even though power is turned off for any reason. This
term is used with respect to data values, such as ECU addresses or NAMEs, that are changed during use.
Read Only Memory (ROM) is technically non-volatile, but is not changeable during use and thus not what is
referred to in these documents.
Negative-Acknowledgment (NACK) — A response which indicates that a message has not been understood or
a requested action could not be performed.
Packet — A single CAN data frame. This can also be a message if the Parameter Group to be transferred can
be expressed in one CAN data frame.
Parameter Group (PG) — A collection of parameters that are conveyed in a J1939 message. Parameter
Groups include commands, data, requests, acknowledgments, and negative-acknowledgments. The PG
identifies the data in a message, regardless of whether it is a single packet or multipacket message. Parameter
Groups are not dependent on the source address field thus allowing any source to send any Parameter Group.
Parameter Group Number (PGN) — A three byte, 24 bit, representation of the Reserved Bit, Data Page, PDU
Format, and GE fields. The Parameter Group Number uniquely identifies a particular Parameter Group.
PDU Format (PF) — An 8 bit field in the 29 bit identifier that identifies the PDU format and is used in whole or in
part to provide a label for a Parameter Group. It also is one of the fields used to determine the Parameter
Group Number which labels the data field of the CAN Data Frame.
PDU Specific (PS) — An 8-bit field in the 29 bit identifier whose definition depends upon the value of the PDU
Format field. It can be either a destination address (DA) or Group Extension (GE). It also is one of the fields
used to determine the Parameter Group Number which labels the data field of the CAN Data Frame.
PDU1 Format A PDU format used for messages that are to be sent to a destination address (DA). The PS
field contains the destination address (specific or global).
PDU2 Format A PDU format used to send information that has been labeled using the Group Extension
technique. This PDU does not contain a destination address. The PS field contains the Group Extension in the
case of PDU2 formats.
Copyright SAE International
Provided by IHS under license with SAE
Not for Resale
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS