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ZIPSTM32F4 HAL库 MPU6050 软件I2C DMP库读取,可获得稳定偏航角yaw



user.zip 大约有18个文件
  1. user/
  2. user/delay.c 628B
  3. user/filter.c 4.86KB
  4. user/inc/
  5. user/inc/delay.h 166B
  6. user/inc/dmpKey.h 18.89KB
  7. user/inc/dmpmap.h 6.61KB
  8. user/inc/filter.h 760B
  9. user/inc/inv_mpu.h 4.23KB
  10. user/inc/inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.h 3.31KB
  11. user/inc/ioi2c.h 1.54KB
  12. user/inc/KF.h 322B
  13. user/inc/mpu6050.h 14.67KB
  14. user/inv_mpu.c 82.08KB
  15. user/inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c 56.51KB
  16. user/IOI2C.c 4.82KB
  17. user/KF.c 6.37KB
  18. user/MPU6050.c 12.26KB


STM32F4 HAL库 MPU6050 软件I2C DMP库读取,可获得稳定偏航角yaw
/** * @addtogroup DRIVERS Sensor Driver Layer * @brief Hardware drivers to communicate with sensors via I2C. * * @{ * @file inv_mpu.c * @brief An I2C-based driver for Invensense gyroscopes. * @details This driver currently works for the following devices: * MPU6050 * MPU6500 * MPU9150 (or MPU6050 w/ AK8975 on the auxiliary bus) * MPU9250 (or MPU6500 w/ AK8963 on the auxiliary bus) */ #include "main.h" /* The following functions must be defined for this platform: * i2c_write(unsigned char slave_addr, unsigned char reg_addr, * unsigned char length, unsigned char const *data) * i2c_read(unsigned char slave_addr, unsigned char reg_addr, * unsigned char length, unsigned char *data) * delay_ms(unsigned long num_ms) * get_ms(unsigned long *count) * reg_int_cb(void (*cb)(void), unsigned char port, unsigned char pin) * labs(long x) * fabsf(float x) * min(int a, int b) */ #define MPU6050 #define MOTION_DRIVER_TARGET_MSP430 #if defined MOTION_DRIVER_TARGET_MSP430 /*#include "msp430.h" #include "msp430_i2c.h" #include "msp430_clock.h" #include "msp430_interrupt.h" */ #define i2c_write i2cWrite #define i2c_read i2cRead #define delay_ms delay_ms #define get_ms myget_ms //static int reg_int_cb(struct int_param_s *int_param) //{ // /*return msp430_reg_int_cb(int_param->cb, int_param->pin, int_param->lp_exit, // int_param->active_low);*/ // return 0; //} //#define log_i(...) do {} while (0) //#define log_e(...) do {} while (0) #define log_e printf #define log_i printf /* labs is already defined by TI's toolchain. */ /* fabs is for doubles. fabsf is for floats. */ #define fabs fabsf #define min(a,b) ((acb, int_param->pin, int_param->lp_exit, int_param->active_low); } #define log_i MPL_LOGI #define log_e MPL_LOGE /* labs is already defined by TI's toolchain. */ /* fabs is for doubles. fabsf is for floats. */ #define fabs fabsf #define min(a,b) ((apin, int_param->cb, int_param->arg); return 0; } #define log_i MPL_LOGI #define log_e MPL_LOGE /* UC3 is a 32-bit processor, so abs and labs are equivalent. */ #define labs abs #define fabs(x) (((x)>0)?(x):-(x)) #else //#error Gyro driver is missing the system layer implementations. #endif #if !defined MPU6050 && !defined MPU9150 && !defined MPU6500 && !defined MPU9250 //#error Which gyro are you using? Define MPUxxxx in your compiler options. #endif /* Time for some messy macro work. =] * #define MPU9150 * is equivalent to.. * #define MPU6050 * #define AK8975_SECONDARY * * #define MPU9250 * is equivalent to.. * #define MPU6500 * #define AK8963_SECONDARY */ #if defined MPU9150 #ifndef MPU6050 #define MPU6050 #endif /* #ifndef MPU6050 */ #if defined AK8963_SECONDARY #error "MPU9150 and AK8963_SECONDARY cannot both be defined." #elif !defined AK8975_SECONDARY /* #if defined AK8963_SECONDARY */ #define AK8975_SECONDARY #endif /* #if defined AK8963_SECONDARY */ #elif defined MPU9250 /* #if defined MPU9150 */ #ifndef MPU6500 #define MPU6500 #endif /* #ifndef MPU6500 */ #if defined AK8975_SECONDARY #error "MPU9250 and AK8975_SECONDARY cannot both be defined." #elif !defined AK8963_SECONDARY /* #if defined AK8975_SECONDARY */ #define AK8963_SECONDARY #endif /* #if defined AK8975_SECONDARY */ #endif /* #if defined MPU9150 */ #if defined AK8975_SECONDARY || defined AK8963_SECONDARY #define AK89xx_SECONDARY #else /* #warning "No compass = less profit for Invensense. Lame." */ #endif static int set_int_enable(unsigned char enable); /* Hardware registers needed by driver. */ struct gyro_reg_s { unsigned char who_am_i; unsigned char rate_div; unsigned char lpf; unsigned char prod_id; unsigned char user_ctrl; unsigned char fifo_en; unsigned char gyro_cfg; unsigned char accel_cfg; //unsigned char accel_cfg2; //unsigned char lp_accel_odr; unsigned char motion_thr; unsigned char motion_dur; unsigned char fifo_count_h; unsigned char fifo_r_w; unsigned char raw_gyro; unsigned char raw_accel; unsigned char temp; unsigned char int_enable; unsigned char dmp_int_status; unsigned char int_status; //unsigned char accel_intel; unsigned char pwr_mgmt_1; unsigned char pwr_mgmt_2; unsigned char int_pin_cfg; unsigned char mem_r_w; unsigned char accel_offs; unsigned char i2c_mst; unsigned char bank_sel; unsigned char mem_start_addr; unsigned char prgm_start_h; #if defined AK89xx_SECONDARY unsigned char s0_addr; unsigned char s0_reg; unsigned char s0_ctrl; unsigned char s1_addr; unsigned char s1_reg; unsigned char s1_ctrl; unsigned char s4_ctrl; unsigned char s0_do; unsigned char s1_do; unsigned char i2c_delay_ctrl; unsigned char raw_compass; /* The I2C_MST_VDDIO bit is in this register. */ unsigned char yg_offs_tc; #endif }; /* Information specific to a particular device. */ struct hw_s { unsigned char addr; unsigned short max_fifo; unsigned char num_reg; unsigned short temp_sens; short temp_offset; unsigned short bank_size; #if defined AK89xx_SECONDARY unsigned short compass_fsr; #endif }; /* When entering motion interrupt mode, the driver keeps track of the * previous state so that it can be restored at a later time. * TODO: This is tacky. Fix it. */ struct motion_int_cache_s { unsigned short gyro_fsr; unsigned char accel_fsr; unsigned short lpf; unsigned short sample_rate; unsigned char sensors_on; unsigned char fifo_sensors; unsigned char dmp_on; }; /* Cached chip configuration data. * TODO: A lot of these can be handled with a bitmask. */ struct chip_cfg_s { /* Matches gyro_cfg >> 3 & 0x03 */ unsigned char gyro_fsr; /* Matches accel_cfg >> 3 & 0x03 */ unsigned char accel_fsr; /* Enabled sensors. Uses same masks as fifo_en, NOT pwr_mgmt_2. */ unsigned char sensors; /* Matches config register. */ unsigned char lpf; unsigned char clk_src; /* Sample rate, NOT rate divider. */ unsigned short sample_rate; /* Matches fifo_en register. */ unsigned char fifo_enable; /* Matches int enable register. */ unsigned char int_enable; /* 1 if devices on auxiliary I2C bus appear on the primary. */ unsigned char bypass_mode; /* 1 if half-sensitivity. * NOTE: This doesn't belong here, but everything else in hw_s is const, * and this allows us to save some precious RAM. */ unsigned char accel_half; /* 1 if device in low-power acce