



chat_server_client.zip 大约有2个文件
  1. chat_server_client/chat_server.py 3.07KB
  2. chat_server_client/networked_chat_client.py 4.04KB


import pygame import socket # Add this import from easygui import * ipconfig=enterbox('你的IP要脸那?布吉岛用一个空格') if ipconfig == ' ': ipconfig = 11451 else : ipconfig=int(ipconfig) msgbox('bind在%s端口'%ipconfig) pygame.init() screen_width, screen_height = screen_size = (640, 640) # Make the screen taller to fit more messages font = pygame.font.Font(None, 50) bg_color = (0, 0, 0) text_color = (255, 255, 255) space_character_width = 8 message_spacing = 8 # Connect to the server while 1: try: connection = socket.create_connection(('localhost', ipconfig)) except : ipconfig = enterbox('你的IP要脸那?布吉岛用一个空格') if ipconfig == ' ': ipconfig = 11451 else: ipconfig = int(ipconfig) msgbox('bind在%s端口' % ipconfig) else: msgbox('ohhhhhh trueeeeeeee I will sleep again ohhhhhh') break connection.setblocking(False) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size) pygame.key.set_repeat(300, 100) def message_to_surface(message): words = message.split(' ') word_surfs = [] word_locations = [] word_x = 0 word_y = 0 text_height = 0 for word in words: word_surf = font.render(word, True, text_color, bg_color) if word_x + word_surf.get_width() > screen_width: word_x = 0 word_y = text_height word_surfs.append(word_surf) word_locations.append((word_x, word_y)) word_x += word_surf.get_width() + space_character_width if word_y + word_surf.get_height() > text_height: text_height = word_y + word_surf.get_height() surf = pygame.Surface((screen_width, text_height)) surf.fill(bg_color) for i in range(len(words)): surf.blit(word_surfs[i], word_locations[i]) return surf # New code to keep track of past messages message_surfs = [] def add_message(message): if len(message_surfs) > 50: message_surfs.pop(0) message_surfs.append(message_to_surface(message)) # New code to read from the socket text_from_socket = b'' def read_from_socket(): global connection, text_from_socket, running try: data = connection.recv(2048) # Handle the error caused by non-blocking mode except BlockingIOError: return # Stop the program when the connection closes if not data: running = False for char in data: char = bytes([char]) if char == b'\n': add_message(text_from_socket.strip().decode('utf-8')) # Convert the message from the server from `bytes` to a string, and draw it text_from_socket = b'' else: text_from_socket += char # New function to draw all the messages on the screen def redraw_screen(): screen.fill(bg_color) typing_surf = message_to_surface("> " + typing_text) y = screen_height - typing_surf.get_height() screen.blit(typing_surf, (0, y)) message_index = len(message_surfs) - 1 while y > 0 and message_index >= 0: message_surf = message_surfs[message_index] message_index -= 1 y -= message_surf.get_height() + message_spacing screen.blit(message_surf, (0, y)) pygame.display.flip() running = True typing_text = "" clock = pygame.time.Clock() while running: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: if typing_text: typing_text = typing_text[:-1] elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: # New code to send a message to the server add_message('You: ' + typing_text) connection.send(typing_text.encode('utf-8') + b"\r\n") typing_text = "" else: typing_text += event.unicode # Update the main loop to call our new functions read_from_socket() redraw_screen() pygame.quit() connection.close() # Close the connection when we're done