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计算机网络试题 【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【项目质量】:所有源码都经过严格测试,可以直接运行。功能在确认正常工作后才上传。 【适用人群】:适用于希望学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者。可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。 【附加价值】:项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可直接拿来修改复刻。对于有一定基础或热衷于研究的人来说,可以在这些基础代码上进行修改和扩展,实现其他功能。 【沟通交流】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。鼓励下载和使用,并欢迎大家互相学习,共同进步。
Computer Architecture 2022-23
Assessed Exercise 1
State Machine Circuit
The purposes of this exercise are to learn how to design a simple synchronous
digital circuit that implements a state machine, how to specify it in a hardware
description language, and how to test it via simulation. The specification and
simulation will use Hydra, a functional computer hardware description language.
The exercise
Design and implement
Two circuits, as described below, which should all be in a file Traffi-
A simulation driver for each circuit; both of these should be in a file named
Suitable test data that demonstrates the correct functioning of each cir-
cuit, which should be included in TrafficLightRun.hs.
There should be a main function in TrafficLightRun.hs that runs all of
your test cases.
Informal specification of the circuit
The circuits are traffic light controllers. There are two versions.
Version 1
The circuit controller1 has one input, a bit called reset. This would be connected
to a pushbutton. The reset button should be pushed once to start the circuit,
and then in normal use it would never be pressed again. We model this by
defining the value of the reset input bit to be 1 during the first clock cycle, and
0 thereafter.
There are three outputs, each of which is a bit. The outputs correspond to
green, amber, and red, and they determine whether the corresponding traffic
light is on. At all times (after reset has been pressed and the circuit is running)
one of the three output bits should be 1, indicating that the corresponding traffic
light should be on, and the other two bits should be 0. The outputs should run
through a fixed sequence: green, green, green, amber, red, red, red, red, amber,
and then it repeats.
Version 2
The second version, controller2, is intended for a pedestrian crossing. There
are three lights for traffic (green, amber, and red) and also two lights for the
pedestrian (wait and walk). There are two input bits: a reset pushbutton, and
a walkRequest which is 1 when a pedestrian presses the Walk pushbutton.
Normally the outputs indicate green/wait. However, when the walkRequest
button is pressed, the traffic light changes to amber, and then the traffic light
changes to red and the pedestrian light turns to walk for three clock cycles. Then
the system displays amber/wait and then returns to its normal state green/wait.
Furthermore, the traffic engineers want to know how often the walkRequest
button is pressed. To measure this, there is a 16-bit counter walkCount. When
the Reset button is pressed, the value of WalkCount is set to 0 at the next
clock tick. When the walkRequest button is pressed, walkCount should be
incremented at the next clock tick.
To summarise, the inputs are: reset (a pushbutton) and walkRequest (a
pushbutton). The outputs are: green, amber, red, wait, walk (each is 1 bit),
and walkCount (a 16-bit binary integer).
You may notice that the specification of the problem doesn’t say what to do
in a few subtle situations. For example, what should happen if the walkRequest
button is pressed when the system is in the red/walk state? You may adopt
any reasonable policy you like for these situations. In the real world, you (the
engineer) might go back to the customer to discuss what to do. It is common
for the requirements of a project to evolve during the implementation. Actually,
that’s one of the reasons that good engineering includes making your solution
maintainable as well as correct.
The point of this exercise is to gain some experience with a simple control
circuit, and to use some of the building block circuits. The exercise as described
doesn’t account for some real world issues, which you can ignore:
In the real world, the reset button and the walkCount display would be
hidden inside the box containing the electronics, while the walkRequest
button would be out where a pedestrian could see and press it, and the
various light outputs would control the actual light bulbs.
In the real world the clock cycles would be too short, so each light would
be held for a larger number of clock cycles. For example, the amber phase
might last for a million cycles and green/red would be correspondingly
Work in small groups
This assessed exercise should be carried out in a small group consisting of two
to three students. Any amount of discussion and shared work within the group
is fine, and the product you hand in counts fully for each member of the group.
One member of the group should submit the exercise on Moodle. As stated
below, the submission must identify all the members of the group, not just the
one who submitted it.
To get started, talk to fellow members of the course, and organise your group.
Please email the lecturer with the names and matriculation numbers of everyone