首页下载资源操作系统Source Insight 4.0.zip

ZIPSource Insight 4.0.zip



Source Insight 4.0.zip 大约有40个文件
  1. 7496663_Mesa de trabajo 35.36KB
  2. c.tom 22.06KB
  3. Documentation.url 131B
  4. eula.htm 22.52KB
  5. eula.rtf 88.29KB
  6. eventsample.em 4.3KB
  7. FileAlias.txt 1.91KB
  8. languages/
  9. languages/390 Asm.xclf 4.63KB
  10. languages/68000.xclf 5.17KB
  11. languages/ARM.CLF 5.06KB
  12. languages/ASN.1.xclf 3.78KB
  13. languages/CMD Batch.CLF 3.43KB
  14. languages/CMD Batch.xclf 5.8KB
  15. languages/Delphi.CLF 4.89KB
  16. languages/Delphi.xclf 6.49KB
  17. languages/Lua.CLF 7.23KB
  18. languages/Lua.xclf 18.42KB
  19. languages/PIC.xclf 3.89KB
  20. languages/PPC.CLF 4.63KB
  21. languages/Ruby.CLF 3.61KB
  22. languages/SQL.CLF 7.71KB
  23. languages/TCL.CLF 6.27KB
  24. languages/verilog.CLF 5.48KB
  25. msimg32.dll 12.5KB
  26. reflector.class 10.2KB
  27. reflector.exe 21.64KB
  28. reflector64.exe 20.64KB
  29. si4_kgen_unis.exe 83KB
  30. sidiff.exe 81.14KB
  31. sihook4.exe 52.64KB
  32. snippets/
  33. snippets/default.snippets.xml 3.06KB
  34. Source Insight Web Site.url 118B
  35. sourceinsight.chm 15.72MB
  36. sourceinsight4.exe 2.81MB
  37. StdConst.bas 87.25KB
  38. themes/
  39. themes/default.themes.xml 221.42KB
  40. utils.em 5.31KB


Source Insight 4.0.zip
// This file maps an input file name to an alias name. // The alias name is used by Source Insight to determine the file's type. // The File Types command lets you specify how a file name maps to // a file type based on its file extension. // Each line should contain data in the form: // filename = aliasname // The file names are not case sensitive. // This is a list of the files in the Standard C++ Library. They are listed // here because they do not have a file extension, and we want to treat them // like .h files. algorithm=x.h allocators=x.h array=x.h bitset=x.h cassert=x.h ccomplex=x.h cctype=x.h cerrno=x.h cfloat=x.h ciso646=x.h climits=x.h clocale=x.h cmath=x.h codecvt=x.h complex=x.h csetjmp=x.h csignal=x.h cstdarg=x.h cstddef=x.h cstdint=x.h cstdio=x.h cstdlib=x.h cstring=x.h ctime=x.h cwchar=x.h cwctype=x.h deque=x.h exception=x.h forward_list=x.h fstream=x.h functional=x.h hash_map=x.h hash_set=x.h initializer_list=x.h iomanip=x.h ios=x.h iosfwd=x.h iostream=x.h istream=x.h iterator=x.h limits=x.h list=x.h locale=x.h map=x.h memory=x.h new=x.h numeric=x.h ostream=x.h queue=x.h random=x.h regex=x.h set=x.h sstream=x.h stack=x.h stdexcept=x.h streambuf=x.h string=x.h strstream=x.h system_error=x.h tuple=x.h typeindex=x.h typeinfo=x.h type_traits=x.h unordered_map=x.h unordered_set=x.h utility=x.h valarray=x.h vector=x.h xawrap=x.h xcomplex=x.h xdebug=x.h xfunctional=x.h xfwrap=x.h xfwrap1=x.h xhash=x.h xiosbase=x.h xlocale=x.h xlocbuf=x.h xlocinfo=x.h xlocmes=x.h xlocmon=x.h xlocnum=x.h xloctime=x.h xmemory=x.h xrefwrap=x.h xstddef=x.h xstring=x.h xtr1common=x.h xtree=x.h xutility=x.h xxbind0=x.h xxbind1=x.h xxcallfun=x.h xxcallobj=x.h xxcallpmf=x.h xxcallwrap=x.h xxfunction=x.h xxmem_fn=x.h xxpmfcaller=x.h xxrefwrap=x.h xxresult=x.h xxshared=x.h xxtuple0=x.h xxtuple1=x.h xxtype_traits=x.h