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ZIP截图工具 存储 snipaste



截图工具 自用 存储.zip 大约有118个文件
  1. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll 18.69KB
  2. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/api-ms-win-core-winrt-error-l1-1-0.dll 19.26KB
  3. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll 19.77KB
  4. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/config.ini 440B
  5. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/crashes/
  6. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/D3Dcompiler_47.dll 4.36MB
  7. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/
  8. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/.sp0 1.66KB
  9. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/J5CR7T/
  10. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/J5CR7T/.sp2 49B
  11. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/J5CR7T/sp20240731_173055_033.png 46.42KB
  12. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/QK9PXZ/
  13. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/QK9PXZ/.sp2 49B
  14. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/
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  16. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/00001.sp1 199.81KB
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  19. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/00004.sp1 1.39MB
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  21. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/00006.sp1 507.32KB
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  24. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/00009.sp1 534.59KB
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  29. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/0000e.sp1 478.92KB
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  31. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/snip/0000g.sp1 480.95KB
  32. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/hoedown.dll 182.5KB
  33. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/iconengines/
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  35. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/imageformats/
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  46. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/
  47. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/ar_jo.qm 82.93KB
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  52. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/fr_fr.qm 103.82KB
  53. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/it_it.qm 104.89KB
  54. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/ja_jp.qm 73KB
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  56. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/nl_nl.qm 97.92KB
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  59. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/pt_pt.qm 100.59KB
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  77. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/qt_zh_cn.qm 116.26KB
  78. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/qt_zh_tw.qm 116.13KB
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  82. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/tr_tr.qm 90.77KB
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  85. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/lang/zh_tw.qm 68.23KB
  86. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll 3.08MB
  87. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/libssl-1_1-x64.dll 900.86KB
  88. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/msvcp140.dll 553.91KB
  89. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/msvcp140_1.dll 24.41KB
  90. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/msvcp140_2.dll 182.41KB
  91. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/networkinformation/
  92. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/networkinformation/qnetworklistmanager.dll 31.5KB
  93. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/platforms/
  94. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/platforms/qwindows.dll 754KB
  95. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6Concurrent.dll 24KB
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  99. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6Network.dll 1.37MB
  100. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6OpenGL.dll 1.83MB
  101. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6PrintSupport.dll 375KB
  102. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6Svg.dll 343.5KB
  103. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6Widgets.dll 5.68MB
  104. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Qt6Xml.dll 123KB
  105. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/quazip.dll 199.5KB
  106. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Snipaste.exe 5.15MB
  107. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/Snipaste.exe - 快捷方式.lnk 1.46KB
  108. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/sound/
  109. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/sound/snip.wav 32.71KB
  110. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/splog.txt 78.49KB
  111. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/styles/
  112. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/styles/qwindowsvistastyle.dll 144KB
  113. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/tls/
  114. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/tls/qcertonlybackend.dll 86KB
  115. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/tls/qopensslbackend.dll 264.5KB
  116. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/tls/qschannelbackend.dll 201.5KB
  117. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/vcruntime140.dll 95.91KB
  118. Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/vcruntime140_1.dll 37.41KB


截图工具 自用 存储
[2023-07-16 11:02:19.954] [I] *************************************************************** [2023-07-16 11:02:19.957] [I] Snipaste 2.8.5-Beta x64 (Desktop) (Qt 6.2.4) [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 [10.0.22621] [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Cores: 4 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Elevated: false [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Log level: 2 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Application dir: D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Working dir: D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Config: D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/config.ini [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Library paths: (D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64) [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Screen scale: 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Retina factor: 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] Screens: 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.958] [I] QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768), DPI = 96 , DPR = 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.989] [I] Desktops: -1 [2023-07-16 11:02:19.989] [I] Compatability layer: DetectorsAppHealth [2023-07-16 11:02:19.989] [I] About to import settings from: D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/config.ini [2023-07-16 11:02:19.996] [I] Settings imported [2023-07-16 11:02:20.001] [I] Breakpad initialized [2023-07-16 11:02:20.193] [I] OpenGL acceleration: false [2023-07-16 11:02:20.196] [I] Process priority: 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:20.197] [I] Initializing Snipaste... [2023-07-16 11:02:21.848] [I] Prefetch... [2023-07-16 11:02:21.868] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 19 ms [2023-07-16 11:02:21.983] [I] Load default ssl configuration: 133 ms [2023-07-16 11:02:22.064] [I] About to apply settings... [2023-07-16 11:02:22.131] [I] Settings applied [2023-07-16 11:02:22.149] [I] Log level set to: 2 [2023-07-16 11:02:22.236] [I] History dir: D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history [2023-07-16 11:02:22.239] [W] Failed to open history file "D:/program/1/Snipaste-2.8.5-Beta-x64/history/.sp0" for reading [2023-07-16 11:02:22.239] [I] Add group [2023-07-16 11:02:22.254] [I] Request to switch to group 0 [2023-07-16 11:02:22.354] [I] About to restore pasters... [2023-07-16 11:02:22.355] [I] Group 0 [F0TW74]: "Default" [2023-07-16 11:02:22.355] [I] Record version: 195 [2023-07-16 11:02:22.355] [I] To restore: 0 [2023-07-16 11:02:22.355] [I] Pasters touched [2023-07-16 11:02:22.355] [I] All pasters activated: true [2023-07-16 11:02:22.360] [I] Unref images: 0 (0 removed) [2023-07-16 11:02:22.361] [I] Unref dirs: 0 (0 removed) [2023-07-16 11:02:22.362] [I] Empty history info files: 0 (0 removed) [2023-07-16 11:02:22.362] [I] Pasters restored [2023-07-16 11:02:22.363] [I] Launch time: 2408 ms [2023-07-16 11:02:29.665] [I] Parsing command arguments [0]: (sp, show-tray-menu) [2023-07-16 11:02:42.676] [I] Parsing command arguments [1]: (sp, snip) [2023-07-16 11:02:42.679] [I] Snip request: 0 (dest: 0) [2023-07-16 11:02:42.679] [I] Snipper: preparing... [2023-07-16 11:02:42.680] [I] Desktop: QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768) [2023-07-16 11:02:42.860] [I] Background size: QSize(1366, 768) [2023-07-16 11:02:42.860] [I] Screens: 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:42.860] [I] QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768), DPI = 96 , DPR = 1 [2023-07-16 11:02:42.876] [I] Focus set [2023-07-16 11:02:42.879] [I] Snipper: preparation done (0) [2023-07-16 11:02:42.880] [I] Snipper: about to appear... [2023-07-16 11:02:42.880] [I] Snipper: prepare to show... [2023-07-16 11:02:42.886] [I] Snipper: shown [2023-07-16 11:02:42.899] [I] Snipper: focus in [2023-07-16 11:02:42.899] [I] Snipper: ready [0.22 s] [2023-07-16 11:03:27.317] [I] Screenshot (72, 108, 610 x 558) destination: none [2023-07-16 11:03:27.317] [I] Snipper: about to quit... [2023-07-16 11:03:27.324] [I] Snipper: focus out [3] (Foreground window: Snipper - Snipaste) [2023-07-16 11:03:27.332] [I] Snipper: hidden [2023-07-16 11:03:27.333] [I] Snipper: quit [2023-07-16 11:03:39.843] [I] Parsing command arguments [1]: (sp, snip) [2023-07-16 11:03:39.845] [I] Snip request: 0 (dest: 0) [2023-07-16 11:03:39.845] [I] Snipper: preparing... [2023-07-16 11:03:39.846] [I] Desktop: QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768) [2023-07-16 11:03:39.931] [I] Background size: QSize(1366, 768) [2023-07-16 11:03:39.931] [I] Screens: 1 [2023-07-16 11:03:39.931] [I] QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768), DPI = 96 , DPR = 1 [2023-07-16 11:03:39.965] [I] Focus set [2023-07-16 11:03:39.968] [I] Snipper: preparation done (0) [2023-07-16 11:03:39.970] [I] Snipper: about to appear... [2023-07-16 11:03:39.970] [I] Snipper: prepare to show... [2023-07-16 11:03:39.977] [I] Snipper: shown [2023-07-16 11:03:39.994] [I] Snipper: focus in [2023-07-16 11:03:39.994] [I] Snipper: ready [0.149 s] [2023-07-16 11:03:46.174] [I] Screenshot (0, 71, 1366 x 649) destination: file dialog, [2023-07-16 11:03:47.713] [I] Snipper: focus out [3] (Foreground window: 图像另存为) [2023-07-16 11:03:52.721] [I] Snipper: focus in [2023-07-16 11:03:52.826] [I] Screenshot successfully saved: file dialog, [2023-07-16 11:03:52.826] [I] Snipper: about to quit... [2023-07-16 11:03:52.834] [I] Snipper: focus out [3] (Foreground window: Snipper - Snipaste) [2023-07-16 11:03:52.849] [I] Snipper: hidden [2023-07-16 11:03:52.852] [I] Snipper: quit [2023-07-16 11:03:53.007] [I] Snipper: scene saved [2023-07-16 11:04:24.025] [I] Silent feed checking finished [2023-07-16 11:04:24.025] [I] No available update [2023-07-16 11:10:07.266] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 20 ms [every 7.8 m] [2023-07-16 11:19:48.344] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 75 ms [every 9.7 m] [2023-07-16 11:31:55.370] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 27 ms [every 12.1 m] [2023-07-16 11:47:03.423] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 50 ms [every 15.1 m] [2023-07-16 12:05:58.560] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 129 ms [every 18.9 m] [2023-07-16 12:24:53.688] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 124 ms [every 18.9 m] [2023-07-16 12:29:04.559] [I] System suspended [2023-07-16 12:44:43.529] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 22 ms [every 18.9 m] [2023-07-16 12:44:44.001] [I] System resumes [2023-07-16 12:44:44.039] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 22 ms [2023-07-16 13:08:22.685] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 152 ms [every 23.7 m] [2023-07-16 13:26:06.786] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 100 ms [every 17.7 m] [2023-07-16 13:43:50.830] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 40 ms [every 17.7 m] [2023-07-16 14:06:00.925] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 97 ms [every 22.2 m] [2023-07-16 14:28:11.007] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 85 ms [every 22.2 m] [2023-07-16 14:55:54.147] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 139 ms [every 27.7 m] [2023-07-16 15:23:37.298] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 144 ms [every 27.7 m] [2023-07-16 15:51:20.426] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 127 ms [every 27.7 m] [2023-07-16 16:19:03.433] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 22 ms [every 27.7 m] [2023-07-16 16:49:03.447] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 19 ms [every 30.0 m] [2023-07-16 17:19:03.486] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 41 ms [every 30.0 m] [2023-07-16 17:49:03.540] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 64 ms [every 30.0 m] [2023-07-16 18:04:12.977] [I] System suspended [2023-07-16 18:24:51.825] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 19 ms [every 30.0 m] [2023-07-16 18:24:52.028] [I] System resumes [2023-07-16 18:24:52.160] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 113 ms [2023-07-16 18:54:51.914] [I] Preloaded 28 files: 91 ms [every 30.0 m] [2023-07-16 18:58:55.721] [I] Parsing command arguments [1]: (sp, snip) [2023-07-16 18:58:55.722] [I] Snip request: 0 (dest: 0) [2023-07-16 18:58:55.722] [I] Snipper: preparing... [2023-07-16 18:58:55.722] [I] Desktop: QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768) [2023-07-16 18:58:55.777] [I] Background size: QSize(1366, 768) [2023-07-16 18:58:55.777] [I] Screens: 1 [2023-07-16 18:58:55.777] [I] QRect(0, 0, 1366 x 768), DPI = 96 , DPR = 1 [2023-07-16 18:58:55.793] [I] Focus set [2023-07-16 18:58:55.795] [I] Snipper: preparation done (0) [2023-07-16 18:58:55.796] [I] Snipper: about to appear... [2023-07-16 18:58:55.796] [I] Snipper: prepare to show... [2023-07-16 18:58:55.803] [I] Snipper: shown [2023-07-16 18:58:55.818] [I] Snipper: focus in [2023-07-16 18:58:55.818] [I] Snipper: re