



framework-xposed-v89-sdk25-x86.zip 大约有22个文件
  1. META-INF/com/google/android/flash-script.sh 5.6KB
  2. META-INF/com/google/android/genymotion-ready 107B
  3. META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary 937.88KB
  4. META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script 73B
  5. system/bin/app_process32_xposed 90.16KB
  6. system/bin/dex2oat 189.52KB
  7. system/bin/oatdump 237.6KB
  8. system/bin/patchoat 89.52KB
  9. system/framework/XposedBridge.jar 103.81KB
  10. system/lib/libart-compiler.so 4.71MB
  11. system/lib/libart-disassembler.so 141.44KB
  12. system/lib/libart.so 8.43MB
  13. system/lib/libsigchain.so 5.38KB
  14. system/lib/libxposed_art.so 57.86KB
  15. system/xposed.prop 61B
  19. system/priv-app/
  20. system/priv-app/XposedInstaller/
  21. system/priv-app/XposedInstaller/XposedInstaller.apk 2.96MB
  22. script.sh 5.65KB


Xposed framework SDK
########################################################################################## # # Xposed framework installer zip. # # This script installs the Xposed framework files to the system partition. # The Xposed Installer app is needed as well to manage the installed modules. # ########################################################################################## grep_prop() { REGEX="s/^$1=//p" shift FILES=$@ if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then FILES='/system/build.prop' fi cat $FILES 2>/dev/null | sed -n $REGEX | head -n 1 } android_version() { case $1 in 15) echo '4.0 / SDK'$1;; 16) echo '4.1 / SDK'$1;; 17) echo '4.2 / SDK'$1;; 18) echo '4.3 / SDK'$1;; 19) echo '4.4 / SDK'$1;; 21) echo '5.0 / SDK'$1;; 22) echo '5.1 / SDK'$1;; 23) echo '6.0 / SDK'$1;; 24) echo '7.0 / SDK'$1;; 25) echo '7.1 / SDK'$1;; 26) echo '8.0 / SDK'$1;; 27) echo '8.1 / SDK'$1;; *) echo 'SDK'$1;; esac } cp_perm() { cp -f $1 $2 || exit 1 set_perm $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 } set_perm() { chown $2:$3 $1 || exit 1 chmod $4 $1 || exit 1 if [ "$5" ]; then chcon $5 $1 2>/dev/null else chcon 'u:object_r:system_file:s0' $1 2>/dev/null fi } install_nobackup() { cp_perm ./$1 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 } install_and_link() { TARGET=$1 XPOSED="${1}_xposed" BACKUP="${1}_original" if [ ! -f ./$XPOSED ]; then return fi cp_perm ./$XPOSED $XPOSED $2 $3 $4 $5 if [ ! -f $BACKUP ]; then mv $TARGET $BACKUP || exit 1 ln -s $XPOSED $TARGET || exit 1 chcon -h 'u:object_r:system_file:s0' $TARGET 2>/dev/null fi } install_overwrite() { TARGET=$1 if [ ! -f ./$TARGET ]; then return fi BACKUP="${1}.orig" NO_ORIG="${1}.no_orig" if [ ! -f $TARGET ]; then touch $NO_ORIG || exit 1 set_perm $NO_ORIG 0 0 600 elif [ -f $BACKUP ]; then rm -f $TARGET gzip $BACKUP || exit 1 set_perm "${BACKUP}.gz" 0 0 600 elif [ ! -f "${BACKUP}.gz" -a ! -f $NO_ORIG ]; then mv $TARGET $BACKUP || exit 1 gzip $BACKUP || exit 1 set_perm "${BACKUP}.gz" 0 0 600 fi cp_perm ./$TARGET $TARGET $2 $3 $4 $5 } ########################################################################################## echo "**************************" echo "Xposed framework installer" echo "**************************" if [ ! -f "system/xposed.prop" ]; then echo "! Failed: Extracted file system/xposed.prop not found!" exit 1 fi echo "- Checking environment" API=$(grep_prop ro.build.version.sdk) APINAME=$(android_version $API) ABI=$(grep_prop ro.product.cpu.abi | cut -c-3) ABI2=$(grep_prop ro.product.cpu.abi2 | cut -c-3) ABILONG=$(grep_prop ro.product.cpu.abi) XVERSION=$(grep_prop version system/xposed.prop) XARCH=$(grep_prop arch system/xposed.prop) XMINSDK=$(grep_prop minsdk system/xposed.prop) XMAXSDK=$(grep_prop maxsdk system/xposed.prop) XEXPECTEDSDK=$(android_version $XMINSDK) if [ "$XMINSDK" != "$XMAXSDK" ]; then XEXPECTEDSDK=$XEXPECTEDSDK' - '$(android_version $XMAXSDK) fi ARCH=arm IS64BIT= if [ "$ABI" = "x86" ]; then ARCH=x86; fi; if [ "$ABI2" = "x86" ]; then ARCH=x86; fi; if [ "$API" -ge "21" ]; then if [ "$ABILONG" = "arm64-v8a" ]; then ARCH=arm64; IS64BIT=1; fi; if [ "$ABILONG" = "x86_64" ]; then ARCH=x86_64; IS64BIT=1; fi; fi # echo "DBG [$API] [$ABI] [$ABI2] [$ABILONG] [$ARCH] [$XARCH] [$XMINSDK] [$XMAXSDK] [$XVERSION]" echo " Xposed version: $XVERSION" XVALID= if [ "$ARCH" = "$XARCH" ]; then if [ "$API" -ge "$XMINSDK" ]; then if [ "$API" -le "$XMAXSDK" ]; then XVALID=1 else echo "! Wrong Android version: $APINAME" echo "! This file is for: $XEXPECTEDSDK" fi else echo "! Wrong Android version: $APINAME" echo "! This file is for: $XEXPECTEDSDK" fi else echo "! Wrong platform: $ARCH" echo "! This file is for: $XARCH" fi if [ -z $XVALID ]; then echo "! Please download the correct package" echo "! for your platform/ROM!" exit 1 fi echo "- Placing files" install_nobackup /system/xposed.prop 0 0 0644 install_nobackup /system/framework/XposedBridge.jar 0 0 0644 install_and_link /system/bin/app_process32 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 install_overwrite /system/bin/dex2oat 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:dex2oat_exec:s0 install_overwrite /system/bin/oatdump 0 2000 0755 install_overwrite /system/bin/patchoat 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:dex2oat_exec:s0 install_overwrite /system/lib/libart.so 0 0 0644 install_overwrite /system/lib/libart-compiler.so 0 0 0644 install_overwrite /system/lib/libsigchain.so 0 0 0644 install_nobackup /system/lib/libxposed_art.so 0 0 0644 if [ $IS64BIT ]; then install_and_link /system/bin/app_process64 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 install_overwrite /system/lib64/libart.so 0 0 0644 install_overwrite /system/lib64/libart-compiler.so 0 0 0644 install_overwrite /system/lib64/libart-disassembler.so 0 0 0644 install_overwrite /system/lib64/libsigchain.so 0 0 0644 install_nobackup /system/lib64/libxposed_art.so 0 0 0644 fi mkdir -p /system/priv-app/XposedInstaller chmod 0755 /system/priv-app/XposedInstaller chcon -h u:object_r:system_file:s0 /system/priv-app/XposedInstaller cp system/priv-app/XposedInstaller/XposedInstaller.apk /system/priv-app/XposedInstaller/XposedInstaller.apk chmod 0644 /system/priv-app/XposedInstaller/XposedInstaller.apk chcon -h u:object_r:system_file:s0 /system/priv-app/XposedInstaller/XposedInstaller.apk if [ "$API" -ge "22" ]; then find /system /vendor -type f -name '*.odex.gz' 2>/dev/null | while read f; do mv "$f" "$f.xposed"; done fi echo "- Done" exit 0