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ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master.zip 大约有74个文件
  1. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/
  2. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/.gitignore 27B
  3. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 3.13KB
  4. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/LICENSE 1.05KB
  5. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/README.md 8.47KB
  6. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week00/
  7. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week00/README.md 700B
  8. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/
  9. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/README.md 3.24KB
  10. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/solutions/
  11. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/solutions/distinct_primes.py 762B
  12. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/solutions/medium_factorization.py 1.21KB
  13. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/solutions/noldbach_problem.py 939B
  14. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/solutions/tiny_implementation.py 987B
  15. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/vanilla_implementations/
  16. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/vanilla_implementations/modularExponentiation.cpp 301B
  17. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/vanilla_implementations/primeFactorization.cpp 1.23KB
  18. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/vanilla_implementations/sieveOfEratosthenes.cpp 1.04KB
  19. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week01/vanilla_implementations/sieve_of_eratosthenes.py 781B
  20. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/
  21. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/README.md 3.02KB
  22. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/solutions/
  23. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/solutions/complicated_gcd.py 390B
  24. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/solutions/gcd_of_large_number.cc 684B
  25. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/solutions/modular_gcd.py 750B
  26. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/solutions/sherlock_and_gcd.py 940B
  27. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/vanilla_implementations/
  28. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week02/vanilla_implementations/gcd_lcm.py 452B
  29. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week03/
  30. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week03/README.md 2.96KB
  31. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week04/
  32. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week04/README.md 2.99KB
  33. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week04/solutions/
  34. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week04/solutions/merge_sort_codechef.py 568B
  35. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week04/vanilla_implementations/
  36. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week04/vanilla_implementations/merge_sort.py 1.64KB
  37. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/
  38. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/README.md 3.74KB
  39. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/
  40. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/herding 201.67KB
  41. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/herding.cpp 1.7KB
  42. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/herding.py 1.16KB
  43. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/hike.py 2.56KB
  44. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/largest_rectangle.py 513B
  45. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/solutions/stock_span_problem.py 559B
  46. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/vanilla_implementations/
  47. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/vanilla_implementations/bfs.py 1.58KB
  48. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week05/vanilla_implementations/dfs.py 1.56KB
  49. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week06/
  50. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week06/README.md 5.6KB
  51. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week07/
  52. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week07/README.md 2.63KB
  53. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week08/
  54. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week08/README.md 44B
  55. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week09/
  56. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week09/README.md 7.18KB
  57. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week10/
  58. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week10/Problems/
  59. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week10/Problems/Min-Cut_Max-Flow-01.pdf 486.74KB
  60. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week10/Problems/Min-Cut_Max-Flow-02.pdf 409.18KB
  61. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week10/Problems/Min-Cut_Max-Flow-03.pdf 430.23KB
  62. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week10/README.md 2.75KB
  63. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week11/
  64. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week11/README.md 1.71KB
  65. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week12/
  66. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week12/README.md 600B
  67. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week12/Source/
  68. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week12/Source/trie.cpp 1.52KB
  69. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week13/
  70. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week13/Readme.md 737B
  71. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week19/
  72. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/Week19/Readme.md 340B
  73. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/acm_icpc_prep.jpg 463.9KB
  74. ACM-ICPC-Preparation-master/googlefa72b21fb50e2d3b.html 53B


先决条件: 了解至少一种编程语言。(你必须能够有效地使用该语言。) 这个知识库的理念是将结构良好的内容分成几个部分,这样即使很忙也可以跟上。在这里,我们收集了我们认为可以很好地学习所提主题的资源。课程有不同的数据结构和算法。 预计一周所需时间为6-7小时。(在规定时间内完成课程) 基本使用指南: 使用此存储库取决于用户想要用它做什么。我们为那些想要在继续​​学习的同时慢慢掌握主题知识的人提供以下建议: 根据个人喜好,查看针对特定主题提供的书面或视频资源。查看尽可能多的资源,以更好地理解该主题。 不检查源代码,尝试自己复制算法或数据结构。 当遇到困难或完成时,请查看提供的源代码,并将其与您的代码进行比较,以查看可能的错误。尝试修复它。 当您对代码感到满意后,尝试解决给定的问题。 当您完成解决问题或在某个时候遇到困难时,请检查给出的解决方案并尝试理解您的错误或查看是否存在更好的方法。
![ACM-ICPC](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/blob/master/acm_icpc_prep.jpg "ACM-ICPC") # ACM-ICPC Preparation ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-MIT-green.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Weeks%20Completed-8%2F20-orange.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Revisions-4%2F20-red.svg) This curriculum has been developed to learn Algorithms to use in Competitive Programming, **but can also be used for:** - Practicing for Interviews - Improving Algorithmic Thinking - Practicing for College Classes **Prerequisites:** - To know at least one programming language. (_You have to be able to use the language efficiently._) The concept of this repository is to have well-structured content divided into parts that one can follow even if they are busy. Here we collected sources we find well prepared to learn the proposed topics. The curriculum has different data structures and algorithms. **Estimated time required for a week is 6-7 hours.** (To complete the curriculum in the given time) **Basic usage guide:** Using this repository depends on what the user wants to do with it. Here we are suggesting the following for people who want to slowly gain knowledge of the topics while continuing their studies etc.: 1. Check out the written or video sources provided for a given topic depending on the preference. Go over as many as needed to gain a good understanding of the topic. 2. Without checking the source code, try to replicate the algorithm or data structure on your own. 3. When stuck or when done, look at the source codes provided, and compare them with yours to see what might be your mistake. Try to fix it. 4. After you feel comfortable with the code, try to solve the given problems. 5. When you are done with solving or are stuck at some point, check given solutions and try to understand your mistake or see if a better approach exists. ## Resources Here are some of the websites/tools that we use through this curriculum: - [Leetcode](https://leetcode.com) - [Spoj](http://www.spoj.com) - [Hackerrank](https://www.hackerrank.com/domains) - [Topcoder](https://www.topcoder.com) - [Codeforces](http://codeforces.com) - [Lightoj](http://www.lightoj.com) - [ACM-Timus](http://acm.timus.ru) ## Contribution If you have anything to add, do not hesitate to offer! You can check [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). You can submit a PR or an issue; I will try to personally review all. ## Topics Here are the topics we currently include in the curriculum. ### Data Structures - Stacks - Queues - Priority queue - Hashmap - Linked List - Trees - Heaps - Advanced Trees - Tries - Segment trees - Fenwick tree or Binary indexed trees - RMQ - SQRT Decomposition - Disjoint Data Structure - C++ STL (optional) ### Algorithms - Number Theory - Prime Numbers (Sieve of Eratosthenes) - GCD and LCM Euclid’s Algorithm - Modular Exponentiation - Long arithmetic (Multi, Add) - Efficient Prime Factorization - Combinatorics (Probability-Combinations-Permutations-Matrix..) - Computational Geometry - Primitive Operations - Intuition - Polygon Inside, Outside - Implementing CCW - Immutable Point ADT - Convex Hull - Closest pair problem - Line intersection - Sort - QuickSort - Counting Sort - Merge Sort - Search - Binary Search - Ternary Search - Graph Theory - Depth First Search (DFS) - Breadth First Search (BFS) - Dijkstra’s Shortest Path - Minimum Spanning Tree - Ford Bellman - Floyd Warshall - LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) - Max Flow / Min Cut - Dynamic Programming - Knapsack - Matrix chain multiplication - Coin Change - Kadane - Longest increasing Subsequence (with RMQ) - Strings - Z algorithm - Suffix Trees/Arrays - Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP) - Rabin-Karp Algorithm - Hash - Bit Manipulation - Game theory - Nim game - Grundy numbers - Sprague-Grundy theorem - **Optional Advanced Algorithms** - AVL Trees - Graph Coloring - Mo's Algorithm - Palindromic Tree - Heavy Light Decomposition - Dynamic Programming by Profile - Rod Cutting - Topological Sorting - DP with Bitmask - Dynamic Programming - Diobhantine Equation - Math - Flood Fill - Graph ## Curriculum |Week|Topics|Optional Topics| | --- | --- | --- | |[**Heads Up **](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week00)|
  • Big O Notation
|| |[**1.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week01)|
  • Prime Numbers (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
  • Efficient Prime Factorization
  • Modular Exponentiation
|| |[**2.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week02)|
  • GCD and LCM Euclid’s Algorithm
  • Long arithmetic (Multi, Sum, Div, Sub)
  • C++ STL:Vector
  • C++ STL:Pairs
  • C++ STL:Iterators
| |[**3.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week03)|
  • QuickSort
  • Counting Sort
  • C++ STL:String
  • C++ STL:Set
  • C++ STL:Map
| |[**4.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week04)|
  • Merge Sort
  • Binary Search
  • Ternary Search
| |[**5.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week05)|
  • Queue (DS)
  • Stack (DS)
  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • C++ STL: Queue
  • C++ STL: Stack
| |[**6.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week06)|
  • Linked List (DS)
  • Dijkstra’s Shortest Path
  • Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
  • Floyd Warshall
  • Cycle Detection (Union Find)
| |[**7.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week07)|
  • Knapsack
  • Coin Change
  • Kadane
|| |[**8.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week08)|**Questions from previous topics**|| |[**9.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week09)|
  • Trees (DS)
  • Segment Trees (DS)
  • Range Minimum Query (RMQ)
  • Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
  • Topological Sorting
| |[**10.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week10)|
  • Ford Bellman
  • Max Flow / Min Cut
  • Longest increasing Subsequence (with RMQ)
  • Heavy Light Decomposition
| |[**11.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week11)|
  • Primitive Operations
    • Intuition
    • Polygon Inside, Outside
    • Implementing CCW
    • Immutable Point ADT
  • Convex Hull
  • Closest pair problem
  • Line intersection
|| |[**12.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week12)|
  • Tries (DS)
  • Suffix Trees/Arrays (DS)
  • Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP)
  • Rabin-Karp Algorithm
|| |[**13.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week13)|
  • Heaps (DS)
  • Priority queue (DS)
  • Combinatorics
|| |[**14.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week14)|
  • Z algorithm
  • Hash
  • Disjoint Data Structure (DS)
|| |[**15.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week15)|
  • Matrix chain multiplication
  • SQRT Decomposition (DS)
  • Mo's Algorithm
  • Rod Cutting
| |[**16.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week16)|**Questions from previous topics**|| |[**17.Week**](https://github.com/NAU-ACM/ACM-ICPC-Preparation/tree/master/Week17)|
  • Nim gam