



Simulink连连看m文件.zip 大约有3个文件
  1. delete_pair_bl.m 504B
  2. delete_pair_blocks.m 928B
  3. Link_and_Delete.m 1.7KB


根据校长学习视频敲的,因为B站视频下面评论放不了这么多字符,传这里了。一起向校长学习 分为3个M文件: Link_and_Delete.m delete_pair_blocks.m delete_pair_bl.m 持续学习,未来有你。 视频网址https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HA411h7Zn?p=20&vd_source=bfeef05ac3fceabb6b8020f00d6d7c54
%opena new mdl mdl_name ='link_delete'; mdl_fullname = [mdl_name,'.slx']; % delete the model generated last time if exist(mdl_fullname,'file') try delete(mdl_fullname); catch close_system(mdl_fullname); delete(mdl_fullname); end end new_system(mdl_name); save_system(mdl_name); open_system(mdl_name); % define some constant block_lib_path ='simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/'; lib_block_name = {'Gain', 'Integrator','Data Type Conversion','Saturation','Delay','Discrete-Time Integrator'}; % block to be selected block_type_num=length(lib_block_name); blocks_num = 5; % generates 5 pairs of blocks en_num = 500; % parameter for enlarge block position offset for ii = 1:blocks_num % generate block index randomly ind =randi(block_type_num, [1 1]); % copy block into model file as cell format. src_str=strcat(block_lib_path, lib_block_name(ind)); dst_str=strcat(mdl_name,'/',lib_block_name(ind)); block_handle = add_block(src_str{:}, dst_str{:}, 'MakeNameUnique', 'on'); % get the handle of new generated block pos = get_param(block_handle,'position'); % make sure blocks are paired. add_block(src_str{:}, dst_str{:},'MakeNameUnique', 'on', 'position', pos + en_num * rand); end % set port callback for all blocks generated in the model blocks_handle = find_system(gcs,'findall','on','type','block'); for ii=1:blocks_num*2 % get current block's properties prop = get(blocks_handle(ii)); % set callback to each port(Inport only) set(prop.PortHandles.Inport,'ConnectionCallback', 'delete_pair_blocks'); % sset(prop.PortHandles.Outport,'Connectioncallback', 'link_callback4outport'); end