



taglist_40.zip 大约有2个文件
  1. plugin/taglist.vim 136.11KB
  2. doc/taglist.txt 63.21KB


*taglist.txt* Plugin for browsing source code Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com) For Vim version 6.0 and above Last change: 2006 September 6 1. Overview |taglist-intro| 2. Taglist on the internet |taglist-internet| 3. Requirements |taglist-requirements| 4. Installation |taglist-install| 5. Usage |taglist-using| 6. Options |taglist-options| 7. Commands |taglist-commands| 8. Global functions |taglist-functions| 9. Extending |taglist-extend| 10. FAQ |taglist-faq| 11. Todo |taglist-todo| ============================================================================== *taglist-intro* 1. Overview~ The "Tag List" plugin is a source code browser plugin for Vim. This plugin allows you to efficiently browse through source code files for different programming languages. The "Tag List" plugin provides the following features: * Displays the tags (functions, classes, structures, variables, etc.) defined in a file in a vertically or horizontally split Vim window. * In GUI Vim, optionally displays the tags in the Tags drop-down menu and in the popup menu. * Automatically updates the taglist window as you switch between files/buffers. As you open new files, the tags defined in the new files are added to the existing file list and the tags defined in all the files are displayed grouped by the filename. * When a tag name is selected from the taglist window, positions the cursor at the definition of the tag in the source file. * Automatically highlights the current tag name. * Groups the tags by their type and displays them in a foldable tree. * Can display the prototype and scope of a tag. * Can optionally display the tag prototype instead of the tag name in the taglist window. * The tag list can be sorted either by name or by chronological order. * Supports the following language files: Assembly, ASP, Awk, Beta, C, C++, C#, Cobol, Eiffel, Erlang, Fortran, HTML, Java, Javascript, Lisp, Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Rexx, Ruby, Scheme, Shell, Slang, SML, Sql, TCL, Verilog, Vim and Yacc. * Can be easily extended to support new languages. Support for existing languages can be modified easily. * Provides functions to display the current tag name in the Vim status line or the window title bar. * The list of tags and files in the taglist can be saved and restored across Vim sessions. * Provides commands to get the name and prototype of the current tag. * Runs in both console/terminal and GUI versions of Vim. * Works with the winmanager plugin. Using the winmanager plugin, you can use Vim plugins like the file explorer, buffer explorer and the taglist plugin at the same time like an IDE. * Can be used in both Unix and MS-Windows systems. ============================================================================== *taglist-internet* 2. Taglist on the internet~ The home page of the taglist plugin is at: > http://www.geocities.com/yegappan/taglist < You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions or suggestions for improvement or to send bug reports. Visit the following page for subscribing to the mailing list: > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/taglist < ============================================================================== *taglist-requirements* 3. Requirements~ The taglist plugin will work on all the platforms where the exuberant ctags utility and Vim are supported (this includes MS-Windows and Unix based systems). The taglist plugin will work with Vim version 6.0 and above. The taglist plugin relies on the exuberant ctags utility to dynamically generate the tag listing. The exuberant ctags utility must be installed in your system to use this plugin. You should use exuberant ctags version 5.0 and above. The exuberant ctags utility is shipped with most of the Linux distributions. You can download the exuberant ctags utility from > http://ctags.sourceforge.net < The taglist plugin doesn't use or create a tags file and there is no need to create a tags file to use this plugin. The taglist plugin will not work with the GNU ctags or the Unix ctags utility. This plugin relies on the Vim "filetype" detection mechanism to determine the type of the current file. You have to turn on the Vim filetype detection by adding the following line to your .vimrc file: > filetype on < The taglist plugin will not work if you run Vim in the restricted mode (using the -Z command-line argument). The taglist plugin uses the Vim system() function to invoke the exuberant ctags utility. If Vim is compiled without the system() function then you cannot use the taglist plugin. Some of the Linux distributions (Suse) compile Vim without the system() function for security reasons. ============================================================================== *taglist-install* 4. Installation~ 1. Download the taglist.zip file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim or the $HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. After this step, you should have the following two files (the directory structure should be preserved): plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file doc/taglist.txt - documentation (help) file Refer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |'runtimepath'| Vim help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins. 2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/vimfiles/doc directory, start Vim and run the ":helptags ." command to process the taglist help file. Without this step, you cannot jump to the taglist help topics. 3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in one of the directories in the PATH environment variable, then set the 'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file. 4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal doesn't support changing the window width then set the 'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file. 5. Restart Vim. 6. You can now use the ":TlistToggle" command to open/close the taglist window. You can use the ":help taglist" command to get more information about using the taglist plugin. To uninstall the taglist plugin, remove the plugin/taglist.vim and doc/taglist.txt files. ============================================================================== *taglist-using* 5. Usage~ The taglist plugin can be used in several different ways. 1. You can open the taglist window and keep it open. On opening the taglist window, the tags defined in all the files in the Vim buffer list will be displayed in the taglist window. As you edit files, the tags defined in them will be added to the taglist window. You can select a tag from the taglist window and jump to it. The current tag will be highlighted in the taglist window. You can close the taglist window when you no longer need the window. 2. You can configure the taglist plugin to process the tags defined in all the edited files always. In this configuration, even if the taglist window is closed and the taglist menu is not displayed, the taglist plugin will processes the tags defined in newly edited files. You can then open the taglist window only when you need to select a tag and then automatically close the taglist window after selecting the tag. 3. You can configure the taglist plugin to display only the tags defined in the current file in the taglist window. By default, the taglist plugin displays the tags defined in all the files in the Vim buffer list. As you switch between files, the taglist window will be refreshed to display the tags defined only in the current file. 4. You can use the Tags pull-down and popup menu created by the taglist plugin to display the tags defined in t