



增强GridCtrl.zip 大约有31个文件
  1. GridctrlDemo/CellRange.h 3.6KB
  2. GridctrlDemo/ComboGridCtrl.cpp 5.31KB
  3. GridctrlDemo/ComboGridCtrl.h 1.29KB
  4. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrl.cpp 167.7KB
  5. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrl.h 26.14KB
  6. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.clw 1.62KB
  7. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.cpp 1.51KB
  8. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.dsp 5.08KB
  9. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.dsw 549B
  10. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.exe 80KB
  11. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.h 1.23KB
  12. GridctrlDemo/gridctrldemo.log 4.48KB
  13. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemo.rc 4.47KB
  14. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemoDlg.cpp 2.4KB
  15. GridctrlDemo/GridCtrlDemoDlg.h 1.28KB
  16. GridctrlDemo/GridDropTarget.cpp 3.54KB
  17. GridctrlDemo/GridDropTarget.h 1.81KB
  18. GridctrlDemo/InPlaceEdit.cpp 7.88KB
  19. GridctrlDemo/InPlaceEdit.h 2.89KB
  20. GridctrlDemo/InPlaceList.cpp 8.68KB
  21. GridctrlDemo/InPlaceList.h 3.82KB
  22. GridctrlDemo/MemDC.h 3.13KB
  23. GridctrlDemo/res/
  24. GridctrlDemo/res/GridCtrlDemo.ico 1.05KB
  25. GridctrlDemo/res/GridCtrlDemo.rc2 404B
  26. GridctrlDemo/resource.h 598B
  27. GridctrlDemo/StdAfx.cpp 210B
  28. GridctrlDemo/StdAfx.h 987B
  29. GridctrlDemo/TitleTip.cpp 6.64KB
  30. GridctrlDemo/TitleTip.h 1.48KB
  31. GridctrlDemo/


// GridCtrl.cpp : implementation file // // MFC Grid Control // // Written by Chris Maunder // mailto:chrismaunder@codeguru.com // // Copyright (c) 1998-1999. // // The code contained in this file is based on the original // WorldCom Grid control written by Joe Willcoxson, // mailto:chinajoe@aol.com // http://users.aol.com/chinajoe // The code has gone through so many modifications that I'm // not sure if there is even a single original line of code. // In any case Joe's code was a great framewaork on which to // build. // // This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This // file may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING it is // not sold for profit without the authors written consent, and // providing that this notice and the authors name and all copyright // notices remains intact. If the source code in this file is used in // any commercial application then a statement along the lines of // "Portions copyright (c) Chris Maunder, 1998" must be included in // the startup banner, "About" box or printed documentation. An email // letting me know that you are using it would be nice as well. That's // not much to ask considering the amount of work that went into this. // // This file is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty. // The author accepts no liability for any damage/loss of business that // this product may cause. // // Expect bugs! // // Please use and enjoy, and let me know of any bugs/mods/improvements // that you have found/implemented and I will fix/incorporate them into // this file. // // History: // -------- // This control is constantly evolving, sometimes due to new features that I // feel are necessary, and sometimes due to existing bugs. Where possible I // have credited the changes to those who contributed code corrections or // enhancements (names in brackets) or code suggestions (suggested by...) // // 1.0 20 Feb 1998 First release version. // 1.01 24 Feb 1998 Memory leak fix (Jens Bohlmann) // Fixec typo (my fault!) in CMemDC.h - Claus Arend-Schneider) // Bug in GetSelectedCount (Lyn Newton) // 1.02 4 Mar 1998 Scrolling a little neater (less dead area) // Cell selection via OnTimer correctly updates Focus cell (Suggested by Lyn Newton) // 1.03 17 Mar 1998 Clipboard functions added, Intellimouse support // Using 32 bit scroll pos functions instead of 16 bit ("cronos") // Added OLE drag and drop. // 1.04 6 Apr 1998 Added Ctrl-A = Select All, fixed CGridDropTarget // problem, minor bug in CopyTextFromGrid (assert on // empty string). Cleaned up reponse to m_bEditable // (OnDrop and Ctrl-X disabled) // 1.05 10 May 1998 Memory leak fixed. (Yuheng Zhao) // Changed OLE initialisation (Carlo Comino) // Added separate fore + background cell colours (Suggested by John Crane) // ExpandToFit etc cleaned up - now decreases and // increases cell sizes to fit client area. // Added notification messages for the grid's parent (Suggested by // Added GVIS_READONLY state // 1.06 20 May 1998 Added TAB key handling. (Daniela Rybarova) // Intellimouse code correction for whole page scrolling (Paul Grant) // Fixed 16 bit thumb track problems (now 32 bit) (Paul Grant) // Fixed accelerator key problem in CInPlaceEdit (Matt Weagle) // Fixed Stupid ClassWizard code parsing problem (Michael A. Barnhart) // Double buffering now programmatically selectable // Workaround for win95 drag and drop registration problem // Corrected UNICODE implementation of clipboard stuff // Dragging and dropping from a selection onto itself no // no longer causes the cells to be emptied // 1.07 28 Jul 1998 Added EnsureVisible. (Roelf Werkman) // Fixed delete key problem on read-only cells. (Serge Weinstock) // OnEndInPlaceEdit sends notification AFTER storing // the modified text in the cell. // Added CreateInPlaceEditControl to make it easier to // change the way cells are edited. (suggested by Chris Clark) // Added Set/GetGridColor. // CopyTextToClipboard and PasteTextToGrid problem with // blank cells fixed, and CopyTextToClipboard tweaked. // SetModified called when cutting text or hitting DEL. (Jonathan Watters) // Focus cell made visible when editing begins. // Blank lines now treated correctly when pasting data. // Removed ES_MULTILINE style from the default edit control. // Added virtual CreateCell(row, col) function. // Fonts now specified on a per-cell basis using Get/SetItemFont. // 1.08 6 Aug 1998 Ctrl+arrows now allows cell navigation. Modified // CreateInPlaceEditControl to accept ID of control. // Added Titletips to grid cells. (Added EnableTitleTips / GetTitleTips) // 1.09 12 Sep 1998 When printing, parent window title is printed in header - Gert Rijs // GetNextItem search with GVNI_DROPHILITED now returns // cells with GVIS_DROPHILITED set, instead of GVIS_FOCUSED (Franco Bez) // (Also fixed minor bug in GetNextItem) (Franco Bez) // Cell selection using Shift+arrows works - Franco Bez // SetModified called after edits ONLY if contents changed (Franco Bez) // Cell colours now dithered in 256 colour screens. // Support for MSVC 4.2 (Graham Cheetham) // 1.10 30 Nov 1998 Titletips now disappear on a scroll event. Compiler errors // fixed. Grid lines drawing fixed (Graham Cheetham). // Cell focus fix on Isert Row/Col (Jochen Kauffmann) // Added DeleteNonFixedRows() (John Rackley) // Message #define conflict fixed (Oskar Wieland) // Titletips & cell insert/delete fix (Ramesh Dhar) // Titletips repeat-creation bug fixed. // GVN_SELCHANGED message now sends current cell ID // Font resource leak in GetTextExtent fixed (Gavin Jerman) // More TAB fixes (Andreas Ruh) // 1.11 1 Dec 1998 GetNextItem bug fix (suggested by Francis Fu) // InsertColumn (-1) fix (Roy Hopkins) // Was too liberal with the "IsEditable"'s. oops. (Michel Hete) // 1.11a 4 Jan 1999 Compiler errors in VC6 fixed. // 1.12 10 Apr 1999 Cleanup to allow GRIDCONTR