



ToolBarCode.zip 大约有28个文件
  1. Toolbar2.ctx 344B
  2. Toolbar2.ctl 82.96KB
  3. Toolbar2.vbp 1.1KB
  4. Toolbar2.cls 2.51KB
  5. IFceComp.cls 11.1KB
  6. MemoryBitmap.cls 9.63KB
  7. PaintEffects.cls 51.66KB
  8. LogFont.cls 6.48KB
  9. AriadIFceComp.bas 10.55KB
  10. Tooltip.frx 12B
  11. Tooltip.frm 2.35KB
  12. GDI.bas 10.08KB
  13. General.pgx 364B
  14. General.pag 10.67KB
  15. FileDialogs.bas 4.4KB
  16. ChooseColor.bas 1.57KB
  17. AriadIFceComp.RES 28.57KB
  18. Buttons.pgx 2.96KB
  19. Buttons.pag 21.5KB
  20. Test.frm 17.46KB
  21. Test.vbp 733B
  22. Test.vbg 60B
  23. Test.vbw 64B
  24. Test.frx 34.29KB
  25. Toolbar2.chm 53.13KB
  26. Toolbar2.vbw 471B
  27. Toolbar2.ocx 364KB
  28. Readme.txt 505B


这是我刚找来的能替代工具条控件的控件源码,真是佩服啊。感谢作者Richard Moss.原下载地址(http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.asp?ID=344),为什么要替代VB自带的toolbar控件呢?我的理由是减少VB程序对其它外部DLL的使用(toolbar要使用shell32.DLL,comctl32.OCX,comctl32.DLL等外部文件)以提高性能减少资源占用.其他需要的人大家一起看看吧.
Advanced Toolbar Control ------------------------ This control is a complete toolbar control for use with Visual Basic. It has no dependancies on any other control or dll other than the standard VB6 runtimes. Please note that in order to use this control in Visual Basic 5, you will need to do some minor modifications, mainly rewriting the new string functions introduced by VB6. For technical support, please send email to Richard Moss at this address: support@ariad.globalnet.co.uk