



DR.zip 大约有3个文件
  1. DR/EV_odsimu.m 3.04KB
  2. DR/PSINS_DR.m 1.03KB
  3. DR/trj10ms.mat 376.7KB


function trj = EV_odsimu(trj, inst, kod, qe, dt, ifplot) % Odometer distance increment simulator. (In this version, the lever-arm % between odometer and SIMU is not considered.) % % Prototype: trj = odsimu(trj, inst, kod, qe, dt, ifplot) % Inputs: trj - from trjsimu % inst - installation error angles from odometer(vehicle) to SIMU, % inst=[dpitch;droll;dyaw] in rad, default 0 for no % installation error % kod - odometer scale factor, default 1 for no scale factor error % qe - quantitative equivalent, default 0 for no quantization % dt - odometer time delay w.r.t. SIMU, >0 for laging; <0 for % leading, the default value is 0 % ifplot - plot results after simulation % Output: trj - the same as trj input, but with trj.imu, Eular angles % trj.avp0(:,1:3) and trj.avp(:,1:3) rotated due to % installation errors, besides, the Odometer increment field % 'od' is attached to this structure. % % See also trjsimu, bhsimu, gpssimu, pos2dxyz. % Copyright(c) 2009-2014, by Gongmin Yan, All rights reserved. % Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi An, P.R.China % 19/02/2014 if nargin<6, ifplot=0; end if nargin<5, dt=0; end if nargin<4, qe=0; end % default 0 meter/pulse, for no quantization if nargin<3, kod=1; end % default 1 for no scale factor error if nargin<2, inst=0; end if length(inst)==1, inst=[1;1;1]*inst; end Cb1b0 = a2mat(inst); Cb0b1 = Cb1b0'; % SIMU rotation trj.imu(:,1:6) = [trj.imu(:,1:3)*Cb1b0', trj.imu(:,4:6)*Cb1b0']; % attitude rotation trj.avp0(1:3) = m2att(a2mat(trj.avp0(1:3))*Cb0b1); for k=1:length(trj.avp) trj.avp(k,1:3) = m2att(a2mat(trj.avp(k,1:3)')*Cb0b1)'; end % distance increments pos = [trj.avp0(7:9)'; trj.avp(:,7:9)]; % dS = pos2dS(pos, 10); [RMh, clRNh] = RMRN(pos); dpos = diff(pos); dxyz = [[RMh(1:end-1), clRNh(1:end-1)].*dpos(:,1:2), dpos(:,3)]; dS = sqrt(sum(dxyz.^2,2)); t = trj.avp(:,10); dS = interp1([t(1)-1;t;t(end)+1],[dS(1);dS;dS(end)], t+dt); % time delay dS = cumsum([0;dS]); if qe==0 dS = diff(dS/kod); if ifplot==1, myfigure; plot(t,dS); xygo('Odometer / m'); end else dS = fix(diff(dS/kod/qe)); if ifplot==1, myfigure; plot(t,dS); xygo('Odometer / pulse'); end end trj.od = [dS,t]; avpd = drpure([trj.imu(:,1:6), trj.od], trj.avp0, inst, kod); % re-calculate INS - IMU & AVP avpd = [[trj.avp0',avpd(1,end-1),2*avpd(1,end)-avpd(2,end)]; avpd]; [trj.imu, trj.avp0, trj.avp] = ap2imu(avpd(:,[1:3,7:9,end]), trj.ts); trj.avp(1,:) = []; function dS = pos2dS(pos, intk) t = 1:length(pos); t1 = 1:1/intk:t(end); for k=1:3 pos1(:,k) = spline(t, pos(:,k), t1); end [RMh, clRNh] = RMRN(pos1); dpos = diff(pos1); dxyz = [[RMh(1:end-1), clRNh(1:end-1)].*dpos(:,1:2), dpos(:,3)]; dS = sqrt(sum(dxyz.^2,2)); dS = sumn(dS,intk);