super_mini_esp32c3.json 是板定义文件。它引用了下一个文件。
pins_arduino.h 是引脚定义文件。
1. '~/.platformio/platforms/espressif32/boards/super_mini_esp32c3.json'
2. '~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/super_mini_esp32c3/pins_arduino.h'
1. `%HOMEPATH%\.platformio\platforms\espressif32\boards\super_mini_esp32c3.json`
2. `%HOMEPATH%\.platformio\packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/super_mini_esp32c3/pins_arduino.h`
# Adding a Super Mini Board Definition in PlatformIO
Two files need to be added to define the Super Mini ESP32-C3 development board described in [First Look at the Super Mini ESP32-C3]( They are contained in this directory.
1. `super_mini_esp32c3.json` is the board definition file. It references the next file.
2. `pins_arduino.h` is the variant pin definition file.
They should be copied to the correct subdirectory of the `platformio` directory. The location of the latter depends on the operating system and where PlatformIO was initially installed. The *default* locations are as follows.
1. `~/.platformio/platforms/espressif32/boards/super_mini_esp32c3.json`
2. `~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/super_mini_esp32c3/pins_arduino.h`
In practice this means: `home//.platformio/...`.
1. `%HOMEPATH%\.platformio\platforms\espressif32\boards\super_mini_esp32c3.json`
2. `%HOMEPATH%\.platformio\packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/variants/super_mini_esp32c3/pins_arduino.h`
In practice this means: `C:\Users\\.platformio\...`.
Note that in the second case, the `super_mini_esp32c3` directory in which `pins_arduino.h` is saved will have to be created.
The above will work, in the sense that the new board will show up in the Project Wizard. However, the two additional files will be deleted when the `espressif32` platform is updated or reinstalled.
There is a simple way to add a locally defined custom board definition to a project. See [Custom Embedded Boards]( and [boards_dir]( However adding the variant `pins_arduino.h` file is not that easy. See [Custom board missing file: pins_arduino.h: No such file or directory](
Hopefully, a future release of the `espressif32` platform will include a correct Super Mini dev board definition and the problem will become moot.