首页下载资源前端Matlab app设计源程序-基于B站小刘老师的App Designer基础教程

ZIPMatlab app设计源程序-基于B站小刘老师的App Designer基础教程



Matlab app设计程序—根据小刘老师的App Designer基础教程.zip 大约有73个文件
  1. 1.第一个app/
  2. 1.第一个app/app1.mlapp 16.42KB
  3. 1.第一个app/first_app.prj 5.62KB
  4. 1.第一个app/first_app/
  5. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_redistribution/
  6. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_redistribution/MyAppInstaller_web.exe 3.11MB
  7. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_redistribution_files_only/
  8. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_redistribution_files_only/first_app.exe 2.06MB
  9. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_redistribution_files_only/readme.txt 1.39KB
  10. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_redistribution_files_only/splash.png 51.04KB
  11. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/
  12. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/first_app.exe 2.06MB
  13. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/mccExcludedFiles.log 102B
  14. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/readme.txt 1.39KB
  15. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/requiredMCRProducts.txt 12B
  16. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/splash.png 51.04KB
  17. 1.第一个app/first_app/for_testing/unresolvedSymbols.txt 20B
  18. 1.第一个app/first_app/PackagingLog.html 1.23KB
  19. 1.第一个app/first_app_1.mlappinstall 24.83KB
  20. 1.第一个app/first_app_1.prj 3.18KB
  21. 10.菜单栏和面板/
  22. 10.菜单栏和面板/app10.mlapp 53.35KB
  23. 11.仪表盘控件/
  24. 11.仪表盘控件/app11.mlapp 43.15KB
  25. 11.仪表盘控件/app11_2.mlapp 14.7KB
  26. 12.滑块控件和仪表盘控件的组合应用/
  27. 12.滑块控件和仪表盘控件的组合应用/app12.mlapp 50.27KB
  28. 13.日期控件和文本区域控件/
  29. 13.日期控件和文本区域控件/app13.mlapp 14.69KB
  30. 14.分档旋钮控件/
  31. 14.分档旋钮控件/app14.mlapp 20.94KB
  32. 15.下拉菜单控件/
  33. 15.下拉菜单控件/app15.mlapp 39.1KB
  34. 16.微调控件的使用/
  35. 16.微调控件的使用/app16.mlapp 44.13KB
  36. 17.图像控件/
  37. 17.图像控件/app17.mlapp 55.91KB
  38. 17.图像控件/图像示例.jpg 313.21KB
  39. 18.单选按钮控件/
  40. 18.单选按钮控件/app18.mlapp 28KB
  41. 19.复选框按钮控件/
  42. 19.复选框按钮控件/app19.mlapp 16.53KB
  43. 2.利润计算器/
  44. 2.利润计算器/app2.mlapp 24.43KB
  45. 20.列表框控件/
  46. 20.列表框控件/app20.mlapp 27.56KB
  47. 21.表格控件/
  48. 21.表格控件/app21.mlapp 41.07KB
  49. 21.表格控件/房价.txt 102B
  50. 21.表格控件/房价.xlsx 9.96KB
  51. 3.Lamp控制灯/
  52. 3.Lamp控制灯/app3.mlapp 21.88KB
  53. 4.三种toogle-switch开关的使用/
  54. 4.三种toogle-switch开关的使用/app4.mlapp 24.25KB
  55. 5.绘图/
  56. 5.绘图/app5.mlapp 39.73KB
  57. 6.显示图像/
  58. 6.显示图像/1.png 28.7KB
  59. 6.显示图像/2.png 159.82KB
  60. 6.显示图像/3.png 8.72KB
  61. 6.显示图像/4.png 49.04KB
  62. 6.显示图像/app6.mlapp 36.83KB
  63. 6.显示图像/图像示例.jpg 313.21KB
  64. 7.msgbox对话框/
  65. 7.msgbox对话框/app7.mlapp 60.58KB
  66. 7.msgbox对话框/李冰冰.jpg 1.01MB
  67. 8.使用外置函数和类成员函数/
  68. 8.使用外置函数和类成员函数/app8.mlapp 16.28KB
  69. 8.使用外置函数和类成员函数/cherckLeapYear.m 192B
  70. 9.startupFcn回调函数使用/
  71. 9.startupFcn回调函数使用/app9.mlapp 217.24KB
  72. 新建文件夹/
  73. 新建文件夹/app22.mlapp 23.04KB


该资源包含22个基础的matlab app设计源程序,每个源程序都与B站小刘老师的App Designer基础教程相对应,算是该视频教程的学习笔记,视频网址为https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=matlab+app+designer%E5%9F%BA%E7%A1%80%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B&from_source=webtop_search&spm_id_from=333.1007&search_source=2
first_app Executable 1. Prerequisites for Deployment Verify that version 9.10 (R2021a) of the MATLAB Runtime is installed. If not, you can run the MATLAB Runtime installer. To find its location, enter >>mcrinstaller at the MATLAB prompt. NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run the MATLAB Runtime installer. Alternatively, download and install the Windows version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2021a from the following link on the MathWorks website: https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr/index.html For more information about the MATLAB Runtime and the MATLAB Runtime installer, see "Distribute Applications" in the MATLAB Compiler documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center. 2. Files to Deploy and Package Files to Package for Standalone ================================ -first_app.exe -MCRInstaller.exe Note: if end users are unable to download the MATLAB Runtime using the instructions in the previous section, include it when building your component by clicking the "Runtime included in package" link in the Deployment Tool. -This readme file 3. Definitions For information on deployment terminology, go to https://www.mathworks.com/help and select MATLAB Compiler > Getting Started > About Application Deployment > Deployment Product Terms in the MathWorks Documentation Center.