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ZIPPhotoDemon 图片编辑器



PhotoDemon-2024.7.zip 大约有67个文件
  1. App/
  2. App/PhotoDemon/
  3. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/
  4. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/French.xml 411.39KB
  5. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/German.xml 405.95KB
  6. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Indonesian.xml 395.3KB
  7. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Italian.xml 406.37KB
  8. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Japanese.xml 420.28KB
  9. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Macedonian.xml 412.24KB
  10. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Master/
  11. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Master/MASTER.xml 315.13KB
  12. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Master/Phrases.db 172.75KB
  13. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Polish.xml 399.07KB
  14. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/README.md 8.67KB
  15. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Simplified_Chinese.xml 382.77KB
  16. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Spanish_(Mexico).xml 405.08KB
  17. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Spanish_(Spain).xml 406.41KB
  18. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Traditional_Chinese.xml 336.04KB
  19. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Turkish.xml 325.96KB
  20. App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Vlaams.xml 390.65KB
  21. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/
  22. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/charls-2.dll 231.5KB
  23. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/charls-2.LICENSE.md 1.53KB
  24. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/exiftool-README.txt 10.75KB
  25. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/exiftool.exe 8.98MB
  26. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/EZTW32.dll 64KB
  27. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/eztwain-README.txt 8.35KB
  28. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/freeimage-LICENSE.txt 17.17KB
  29. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/FreeImage.dll 5.85MB
  30. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/lcms2-LICENSE.txt 1.06KB
  31. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/lcms2.dll 438KB
  32. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libdeflate-LICENSE.txt 1.05KB
  33. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libdeflate.dll 87.51KB
  34. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/liblz4-LICENSE.txt 1.3KB
  35. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/liblz4.dll 185.74KB
  36. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libsharpyuv.dll 126.5KB
  37. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libwebp-LICENSE.md 1.49KB
  38. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libwebp.dll 484KB
  39. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libwebpdemux.dll 88KB
  40. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libwebpmux.dll 152.5KB
  41. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libzstd-LICENSE.txt 1.52KB
  42. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/libzstd.dll 1.17MB
  43. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/pdfium-LICENSE.txt 12.75KB
  44. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/pdfium.dll 4.77MB
  45. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/pspiHost-LICENSE.txt 1.07KB
  46. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/pspiHost.dll 115.5KB
  47. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/resvg-LICENSE.txt 16.7KB
  48. App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/resvg.dll 2.26MB
  49. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/
  50. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Blue.xml 840B
  51. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Brown.xml 841B
  52. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Green.xml 841B
  53. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Orange.xml 842B
  54. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Pink.xml 840B
  55. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Purple.xml 842B
  56. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Red.xml 839B
  57. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Colors_Teal.xml 840B
  58. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Core_Icons.pdrc 591.92KB
  59. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Core_Themes.pdrc 60.7KB
  60. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Default_Dark.xml 26.62KB
  61. App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Default_Light.xml 26.52KB
  62. AUTHORS.md 4.83KB
  63. Donate to PhotoDemon.url 130B
  64. INSTALL.md 3.37KB
  65. LICENSE.md 55.27KB
  66. PhotoDemon.exe 8.38MB
  67. README.md 5.62KB


PhotoDemon 图片编辑器
## About PhotoDemon localization Thank you for your interest in PhotoDemon localization. This README provides a quick overview of PhotoDemon's localization process. Importantly, there are **critical instructions** you must follow to avoid losing changes to these language files. Please read this entire document before editing PhotoDemon language files. ### Quick overview The XML files in this folder (`/App/PhotoDemon/Languages`) are PhotoDemon's "official" language files. They ship with all PhotoDemon downloads. When PhotoDemon self-updates, these XML files are automatically replaced with newer versions from the update server. For nightly builds in particular, language files are frequently updated, so this replacement process could happen at any time. Because the language files in this folder can be replaced at any time, **you MUST NOT edit them directly**. Instead, any modified language files should be saved to the `/Data/Languages` folder. The `/App` subfolder is reserved for PhotoDemon itself, but the `/Data` subfolder is your user data folder. Files in the `/Data` folder will not be erased by PhotoDemon updates. So please, please, please remember to place any modified language files in the `/Data/Languages` folder, **not** this `/App/PhotoDemon/Languages` folder. ### Editing an existing language file in any text editor Editing existing language files is easy. **Short version:** PhotoDemon's language files are plain-text XML-like files. You can edit them in any text editor. After making changes, send the updated file to me and I will add it to PhotoDemon! **Long version:** 1) Copy the language file you want to edit into the `/Data/Languages` folder, and modify its filename to something like `German_new.xml`. 2) Open the language file in any text editor. For beginners, I recommend the free Notepad++ app: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ 3) Inside the language file, you will see a collection of tags. Tags are special text enclosed by angle brackets, with names like `` or ``. Do not edit text within `<` and `>` characters. Only translate text *between* tags - for example, if you see `text goes here` you can freely edit the `text goes here` portion. 4) Ensure the `` text at the top of the file matches the two-letter ISO language code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) and two-letter ISO country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2). PhotoDemon uses these codes to auto-suggest languages to new users (by matching the codes to the language and country code of a user's PC). 5) You can also modify the language version to match the PhotoDemon version you are working on, and the language status (e.g. "complete" or "in-progress") and author tags to reflect their current state. 6) All phrases in the program are stored as `` and `` pairs. You *must not* modify any text inside `` tags. PhotoDemon requires the `` text to precisely match on-screen interface elements. 7) You can freely modify text inside `` tags. Empty tags (``) are common for newly added features. You can use this to quickly locate phrases that need to be translated, by searching for the text ``. 8) Where possible, PhotoDemon tries to use similar naming conventions to other popular photo editors, like Adobe Photoshop and GIMP. If a menu command in PhotoDemon does not make sense, you might see what text Photoshop or GIMP uses for their corresponding feature. (Later on, I will describe an automated way to do this.) 9) Sometimes, PhotoDemon needs to insert dynamic text at run-time. This is usually a number or percent, like `"Step 1 of 3"`. Dynamic text is flagged with a `%` prefix, so the example phrase `"Step 1 of 3"` would appear as `Step %1 of %2` in the language file. In your translation, place the same `%1` and `%2` markers wherever they make sense. 10) When you are satisfied with your changes, save your work and contact me. Filing a pull request or new issue on GitHub and attaching your updated language file is the fastest way to submit changes: https://github.com/tannerhelland/PhotoDemon . If you are uncomfortable using GitHub, alternate means of contacting me are available here: https://photodemon.org/about/ ### Starting a new language file Starting a new PhotoDemon language file is exactly the same as editing an existing one. The only difference is that instead of copying an existing language file into the `/Data/Languages` folder, you will instead copy PhotoDemon's master English text file from `/App/PhotoDemon/Languages/Master/MASTER.xml` to the `/Data/Languages` folder. Rename the file with an appropriate language name, then follow the steps given above in `Editing an existing PhotoDemon language file`. ### Using PhotoDemon's built-in Tools > Language Editor menu Some translators prefer to use PhotoDemon's built-in `Tools > Language editor` tool. It can simplify the language editing process, especially for beginners. PhotoDemon's Language Editor tool is largely self-explanatory, but two items deserve extra explanation. #### Automatic translation suggestions (via the online DeepL service) On the second page of the editor, there is a box titled `(optional) free DeepL.com API key for translation suggestions`. DeepL.com (https://www.deepl.com/translator) is a free, high-quality translation service. DeepL is not connected to or affiliated with PhotoDemon in any way, but PhotoDemon's Language Editor can interface with DeepL's website to automatically suggest translations for you. This is especially helpful for longer phrases, like error messages, which can be tedious to translate manually. Like most online services, DeepL requires you to set up a free user account before using their translation service. As of June 2022, the "Free" button at this link is the fastest way to open a new account: https://www.deepl.com/pro-api?cta=header-pro-api/ After setting up an account, you will receive a unique API key. Copy and paste that key into the matching box in PhotoDemon's Language Editor, and PhotoDemon will start auto-suggesting translations for you. PhotoDemon will also save the pasted API key to your user preferences file, so you do not need to enter it again. Again, this feature **is not required** to edit PhotoDemon translations. It is simply provided as a convenience for those who want it. If other automated translation services are more appropriate for your language, please contact me and I'll see if I can add them to the tool as well. #### Comparing translations to other open-source software Where possible, PhotoDemon tries to use the same terminology as other popular photo editors. This reduces the learning curve for new users and makes it easier to switch between PhotoDemon and other software. To help achieve this, the second page of PhotoDemon's Language Editor provides a box titled `(optional) 3rd-party language file (.po) to compare`. Click the `...` button to select a language file from any other software. For example, GIMP's language files are freely downloadable from this link: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/tree/master/po ...while Krita's language files are freely downloadable from this link: https://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kf5/ (Click your desired language, then `messages > krita > krita.po > download`.) If you provide a translation file from another app, PhotoDemon will also display that app's translations on the translation panel (when available). This can be helpful for common photo editing terms like menu and tool names that appear in both programs. While this feature is very helpful, I must request that you *do not* blindly copy text from other software's files. These translations are