批量PING工具是一款绿色小巧且专为Windows操作系统设计的实用程序,该软件是一个电脑网络工具,它的主要功能是帮助用户快速、高效地对多个IP地址或IP网段进行ping操作。在日常网络管理和故障排查中极其好用,它可以节省大量手动输入命令行ping的时间,提高工作效率。还提供了简单的可视化窗口界面,展示ping数量、丢包率 等等,允许用户导入包含多个IP地址的列表,并一次性执行ping测试。
PingInfoView v3.10
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2024 Nir Sofer
Web site: https://www.nirsoft.net
PingInfoView is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple
host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one table. It
automatically ping to all hosts every number of seconds that you specify,
and displays the number of succeed and failed pings, as well as the
average ping time. You can also save the ping result into text/html/xml
file, or copy it to the clipboard.
PingInfoView supports both ICMP pings and TCP pings.
System Requirements
This utility works under Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows
Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11. Older versions
of Windows are not supported.
Versions History
* Version 3.10
o Added support for IPv6 TCP pings. You can specify host name (For
example: www.google.com:80), or IPv6 address in the following format:
[IPv6 Address]:Port.
* Version 3.05
o Added 'Source IPv4 Address' option. You can use this option if
you have multiple network adapters and you want to send the ping from
specific adapter.
* Version 3.01
o Fixed bug: when disabling one or more items, the ping interval
was longer than the interval in the Ping Options window.
* Version 3.00
o Added support for IPv6 pings. In order to enable IPv6 pings you
have to select the 'Allow IPv6 addresses' option.
o Optionally, you can choose the source IPv6 address (It might be
needed if you have multiple network adapters)
o Be aware that TCP pings are not supported for IPv6 in this
o When you specify host name and the 'Allow IPv6 addresses' option
is selected, PingInfoView first tries to resolve the host name as
IPv6 address, and if it fails, it resolves the host name as IPv4
o Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View ->
Sort By).
o Added 'Sort By' button to the toolbar.
o Added 'Update Settings' button to the 'Ping Options' window,
which allows you to change some ping settings (e.g. : number of
seconds to wait between the pings, ping timeout, window title)
without resetting all ping data. You can also update the description
of existing items, add new items, or change the groups.
o Added 'Copy Stuck Threads Report' (Under Help menu) for debugging
stuck threads problem.
o The status bar now shows the number of active ping threads, and
the number of stuck threads in parenthesis.
o Fixed bug with stuck threads that occurred when PingInfoView
failed to resolve host name.
* Version 2.30
o Added 'High Resolution Ping Time' option (Under the Options
menu). When it's turned on, PingInfoView displays the ping time in
microsecond resolution (For example: 2.351 ).
o Added 'Hide Disabled Items' option (Under the View menu).
* Version 2.25
o Added option to disable and enable the selected items. When an
item is disabled, PingInfoView will not sent pings to this host until
it's enabled.
o Be aware that the disable status is not remembered if you exit
from PingInfoView and then run it again.
* Version 2.22
o The number of items in a group is now displayed in the group
* Version 2.21
o Added 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu,
which copies to the clipboard the text of cell that you right-clicked
with the mouse.
* Version 2.20
o When the 'Use IP-Host Description format' option is turned on,
you can now specify group name for every group of computers.
o When group name is specified, every group is displayed
separately, and you can collapse and expand a group by
double-clicking the group header.
o Look at the 'Use IP-Host Description format' section for an
example of using this new groups feature.
o Added 'Skip the first address' and 'Skip the last address'
options for IP addresses range in CIDR format.
* Version 2.16
o Fixed the 'Execute the following command on success ping (After
previous failure)' option (Added in version 2.15) to work according
to the 'Number of consecutive failed pings to trigger the failed
command/sound alert' option. For example: if you set the 'Number of
consecutive failed pings...' value to 3, and there are 2 failed pings
and then a success ping, PingInfoView will not activate the success
* Version 2.15
o Added new option: 'Execute the following command on success ping
(After previous failure)' (In 'Advanced Options' window).
o Updated to work properly in high DPI mode.
* Version 2.10
o Added new lower pane mode: 'Add ping line for every change in
ping status'. When you choose this mode, a new ping line is added to
the lower pane only when there is a change in the ping status.
o For example: if you have a sequence of 10 succeeded pings and
then a sequence of 5 failed pings, you'll see 2 lines in the lower
pane - one line for the 10 succeeded pings and one line for the 5
failed pings.
o The new 'Pings Count' column displays the number of
failed/succeeded pings. The 'Sent On' column displays the time range
of the succeeded/failed pings.
* Version 2.05
o Added 'Display Mode' option (Under the Options menu), which
allows you to view only the hosts with succeeded pings or to view
only the hosts with failed pings.
o Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option (Turned
on by default).
* Version 2.02
o Added new column: 'Total Sent Pings'.
* Version 2.01
o Added 'Start As Hidden' option (Enabled only when 'Put Icon On
Tray' option is on).
o When both 'Start As Hidden' and 'Put Icon On Tray' options are
turned on - PingInfoView starts to ping instantly when you run it
without displaying the main window.
* Version 2.00
o Added support for TCP pings. You can now specify the host name or
IP address with a port number (e.g:
www.nirsoft.net:443 ) and PingInfoView will check the TCP connection
in the specified port number instead of using ICMP pings.
* Version 1.86
o Added option to specify IP addresses range in CIDR format (e.g:
o Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in
the main window.
* Version 1.85
o Added IP options: Time To Live and Don't Fragment.
* Version 1.82
o Fixed to sort properly the 'Last Succeed On' and 'Last Failed On'
* Version 1.81
o Fixed bug with resizing the 'Ping Options' window.
* Version 1.80
o Added new option: Beep On Succeeded Pings (After Failure).
o Fixed bug: When the lower pane option was turned off,
PingInfoView didn't add the pings to the log file.
* Version 1.75
o Added 'Resolve host name to IP address on every ping' option. If
the IP address of the host you ping may change, you should turn on
this option , so when the IP address is changed, PingInfoView will
ping the new IP address.
o Added new option in 'Advanced Options' window: 'Limit the total
number of accumulated pings' (Default is 50000). If you run
PingInfoView for long period of time, you should use this option.
Otherwise, the accumuated ping result will consume a lot of memory,
and eventually PingInfoView will respond very slowly or crash.
o Added 'Window Title' field. The text you type here will appear in
the title of the main window.
* Version 1.70
o Automatic export feature: You can now choose to generate a new
filename on every session (When you close the program and then run it
again) or on every save. You can also generate a filename with