loveamazing 爱心文字掉落炫酷黑客效果 (2).zip

loveamazing 爱心文字掉落炫酷黑客效果/index.docx 14.47KB
loveamazing 爱心文字掉落炫酷黑客效果/loveamazing 爱心文字掉落炫酷黑客效果.html 14.08KB
loveamazing 爱心文字掉落炫酷黑客效果 (2).zip
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var texts = 'I LOVE U'.split('');
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* Settings
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length: 500, // maximum amount of particles
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effect: -0.75, // play with this for a nice effect
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* RequestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller
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