



qcustomplot.zip 大约有2个文件
  1. qcustomplot.cpp 1.07MB
  2. qcustomplot.h 261.15KB


/*************************************************************************** ** ** ** QCustomPlot, an easy to use, modern plotting widget for Qt ** ** Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Emanuel Eichhammer ** ** ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** ** along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. ** ** ** **************************************************************************** ** Author: Emanuel Eichhammer ** ** Website/Contact: http://www.qcustomplot.com/ ** ** Date: 25.06.18 ** ** Version: 2.0.1 ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qcustomplot.h" /* including file 'src/vector2d.cpp', size 7340 */ /* commit ce344b3f96a62e5f652585e55f1ae7c7883cd45b 2018-06-25 01:03:39 +0200 */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// QCPVector2D //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \class QCPVector2D \brief Represents two doubles as a mathematical 2D vector This class acts as a replacement for QVector2D with the advantage of double precision instead of single, and some convenience methods tailored for the QCustomPlot library. */ /* start documentation of inline functions */ /*! \fn void QCPVector2D::setX(double x) Sets the x coordinate of this vector to \a x. \see setY */ /*! \fn void QCPVector2D::setY(double y) Sets the y coordinate of this vector to \a y. \see setX */ /*! \fn double QCPVector2D::length() const Returns the length of this vector. \see lengthSquared */ /*! \fn double QCPVector2D::lengthSquared() const Returns the squared length of this vector. In some situations, e.g. when just trying to find the shortest vector of a group, this is faster than calculating \ref length, because it avoids calculation of a square root. \see length */ /*! \fn QPoint QCPVector2D::toPoint() const Returns a QPoint which has the x and y coordinates of this vector, truncating any floating point information. \see toPointF */ /*! \fn QPointF QCPVector2D::toPointF() const Returns a QPointF which has the x and y coordinates of this vector. \see toPoint */ /*! \fn bool QCPVector2D::isNull() const Returns whether this vector is null. A vector is null if \c qIsNull returns true for both x and y coordinates, i.e. if both are binary equal to 0. */ /*! \fn QCPVector2D QCPVector2D::perpendicular() const Returns a vector perpendicular to this vector, with the same length. */ /*! \fn double QCPVector2D::dot() const Returns the dot/scalar product of this vector with the specified vector \a vec. */ /* end documentation of inline functions */ /*! Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the x and y coordinates to 0. */ QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D() : mX(0), mY(0) { } /*! Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the \a x and \a y coordinates with the specified values. */ QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D(double x, double y) : mX(x), mY(y) { } /*! Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the x and y coordinates respective coordinates of the specified \a point. */ QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D(const QPoint &point) : mX(point.x()), mY(point.y()) { } /*! Creates a QCPVector2D object and initializes the x and y coordinates respective coordinates of the specified \a point. */ QCPVector2D::QCPVector2D(const QPointF &point) : mX(point.x()), mY(point.y()) { } /*! Normalizes this vector. After this operation, the length of the vector is equal to 1. \see normalized, length, lengthSquared */ void QCPVector2D::normalize() { double len = length(); mX /= len; mY /= len; } /*! Returns a normalized version of this vector. The length of the returned vector is equal to 1. \see normalize, length, lengthSquared */ QCPVector2D QCPVector2D::normalized() const { QCPVector2D result(mX, mY); result.normalize(); return result; } /*! \overload Returns the squared shortest distance of this vector (interpreted as a point) to the finite line segment given by \a start and \a end. \see distanceToStraightLine */ double QCPVector2D::distanceSquaredToLine(const QCPVector2D &start, const QCPVector2D &end) const { QCPVector2D v(end-start); double vLengthSqr = v.lengthSquared(); if (!qFuzzyIsNull(vLengthSqr)) { double mu = v.dot(*this-start)/vLengthSqr; if (mu < 0) return (*this-start).lengthSquared(); else if (mu > 1) return (*this-end).lengthSquared(); else return ((start + mu*v)-*this).lengthSquared(); } else return (*this-start).lengthSquared(); } /*! \overload Returns the squared shortest distance of this vector (interpreted as a point) to the finite line segment given by \a line. \see distanceToStraightLine */ double QCPVector2D::distanceSquaredToLine(const QLineF &line) const { return distanceSquaredToLine(QCPVector2D(line.p1()), QCPVector2D(line.p2())); } /*! Returns the shortest distance of this vector (interpreted as a point) to the infinite straight line given by a \a base point and a \a direction vector. \see distanceSquaredToLine */ double QCPVector2D::distanceToStraightLine(const QCPVector2D &base, const QCPVector2D &direction) const { return qAbs((*this-base).dot(direction.perpendicular()))/direction.length(); } /*! Scales this vector by the given \a factor, i.e. the x and y components are multiplied by \a factor. */ QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator*=(double factor) { mX *= factor; mY *= factor; return *this; } /*! Scales this vector by the given \a divisor, i.e. the x and y components are divided by \a divisor. */ QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator/=(double divisor) { mX /= divisor; mY /= divisor; return *this; } /*! Adds the given \a vector to this vector component-wise. */ QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator+=(const QCPVector2D &vector) { mX += vector.mX; mY += vector.mY; return *this; } /*! subtracts the given \a vector from this vector component-wise. */ QCPVector2D &QCPVector2D::operator-=(const QCPVector2D &vector) { mX -= vector.mX; mY -= vector.mY; return *this; } /* end of 'src/vector2d.cpp' */ /* including file 'src/painter.cpp', size 8670 */ /* commit ce344b3f96a62e5f652585e55f1ae7c7883cd45b 2018-06-25 01:03:39 +0200 */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// QCPPainter //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \class QCPPainter \brief QPainter subclass used internally