



nginx-1.24.0.zip 大约有56个文件
  1. conf/
  2. conf/fastcgi.conf 1.08KB
  3. conf/fastcgi_params 1.01KB
  4. conf/koi-utf 2.88KB
  5. conf/koi-win 2.27KB
  6. conf/mime.types 5.32KB
  7. conf/nginx.conf 3.12KB
  8. conf/scgi_params 653B
  9. conf/uwsgi_params 681B
  10. conf/win-utf 3.65KB
  11. contrib/
  12. contrib/geo2nginx.pl 1.24KB
  13. contrib/README 543B
  14. contrib/unicode2nginx/
  15. contrib/unicode2nginx/koi-utf 5.85KB
  16. contrib/unicode2nginx/unicode-to-nginx.pl 1.06KB
  17. contrib/unicode2nginx/win-utf 5.21KB
  18. contrib/vim/
  19. contrib/vim/ftdetect/
  20. contrib/vim/ftdetect/nginx.vim 198B
  21. contrib/vim/ftplugin/
  22. contrib/vim/ftplugin/nginx.vim 29B
  23. contrib/vim/indent/
  24. contrib/vim/indent/nginx.vim 250B
  25. contrib/vim/syntax/
  26. contrib/vim/syntax/nginx.vim 112.83KB
  27. docs/
  28. docs/CHANGES 315.73KB
  29. docs/CHANGES.ru 482.65KB
  30. docs/LICENSE 1.36KB
  31. docs/OpenSSL.LICENSE 5.98KB
  32. docs/PCRE.LICENCE 3.4KB
  33. docs/README 49B
  34. docs/zlib.LICENSE 983B
  35. html/
  36. html/50x.html 497B
  37. html/index.html 615B
  38. logs/
  39. logs/access.log 47.54MB
  40. logs/error.log 5.46MB
  41. logs/nginx.pid 7B
  42. nginx-service.exe 17.4MB
  43. nginx-service.xml 387B
  44. nginx.exe 3.63MB
  45. server-logs/
  46. server-logs/nginx-service.err.log
  47. server-logs/nginx-service.err.log.old
  48. server-logs/nginx-service.out.log
  49. server-logs/nginx-service.out.log.old
  50. server-logs/nginx-service.wrapper.log 5.42KB
  51. temp/
  52. temp/client_body_temp/
  53. temp/fastcgi_temp/
  54. temp/proxy_temp/
  55. temp/scgi_temp/
  56. temp/uwsgi_temp/


windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取 windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取 windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取 windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取 windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取 windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取 windows系统配置nginx,实现对文件的读取
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For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org.
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Thank you for using nginx.
