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ZIPjd-gui-windows-1.6.6 java反编译工具



jd-gui-windows-1.6.6.zip 大约有5个文件
  1. jd-gui-windows-1.6.6/
  2. jd-gui-windows-1.6.6/jd-gui.exe 1.53MB
  3. jd-gui-windows-1.6.6/LICENSE 35KB
  4. jd-gui-windows-1.6.6/NOTICE 309B
  5. jd-gui-windows-1.6.6/README.md 2.49KB


jd-gui-windows-1.6.6 java反编译工具
# JD-GUI JD-GUI, a standalone graphical utility that displays Java sources from CLASS files. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui/master/src/website/img/jd-gui.png) - Java Decompiler projects home page: [http://java-decompiler.github.io](http://java-decompiler.github.io) - JD-GUI source code: [https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui](https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui) ## Description JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of ".class" files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields. ## How to build JD-GUI ? ``` > git clone https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui.git > cd jd-gui > ./gradlew build ``` generate : - _"build/libs/jd-gui-x.y.z.jar"_ - _"build/libs/jd-gui-x.y.z-min.jar"_ - _"build/distributions/jd-gui-windows-x.y.z.zip"_ - _"build/distributions/jd-gui-osx-x.y.z.tar"_ - _"build/distributions/jd-gui-x.y.z.deb"_ - _"build/distributions/jd-gui-x.y.z.rpm"_ ## How to launch JD-GUI ? - Double-click on _"jd-gui-x.y.z.jar"_ - Double-click on _"jd-gui.exe"_ application from Windows - Double-click on _"JD-GUI"_ application from Mac OSX - Execute _"java -jar jd-gui-x.y.z.jar"_ or _"java -classpath jd-gui-x.y.z.jar org.jd.gui.App"_ ## How to use JD-GUI ? - Open a file with menu "File > Open File..." - Open recent files with menu "File > Recent Files" - Drag and drop files from your file explorer ## How to extend JD-GUI ? ``` > ./gradlew idea ``` generate Idea Intellij project ``` > ./gradlew eclipse ``` generate Eclipse project ``` > java -classpath jd-gui-x.y.z.jar;myextension1.jar;myextension2.jar org.jd.gui.App ``` launch JD-GUI with your extensions ## How to uninstall JD-GUI ? - Java: Delete "jd-gui-x.y.z.jar" and "jd-gui.cfg". - Mac OSX: Drag and drop "JD-GUI" application into the trash. - Windows: Delete "jd-gui.exe" and "jd-gui.cfg". ## License Released under the [GNU GPL v3](LICENSE). ## Donations Did JD-GUI help you to solve a critical situation? Do you use JD-Eclipse daily? What about making a donation? [![paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui/master/src/website/img/btn_donate_euro.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=C88ZMVZ78RF22) [![paypal](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui/master/src/website/img/btn_donate_usd.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CRMXT4Y4QLQGU)