PSAT( Power System Analysis Toolbox)最新说明书.zip

PSAT( Power System Analysis Toolbox)最新说明书.pdf 5.43MB
__MACOSX/._PSAT( Power System Analysis Toolbox)最新说明书.pdf 709B
PSAT( Power System Analysis Toolbox),中文翻译为电力系统分析软件包,包含了:PF-潮流计算;CPF-连续潮流;OPF-最优潮流;SSSA-小扰动分析;TDS-时域仿真;GUI-用户人机界面;GNE-自定义模型等功能。 经过验证,该工具包已经可以计算上千节点规模的系统。而且该软件包源代码完全公开,因此用户可以根据自己的研究兴趣编写修改相应源代码实现研究目的。同时, 依托于Matlab 的强大计算功能以及丰富的控制、信号处理、鲁棒控制、模糊控制等工具箱, 使得PSAT 可以把控制科学、信号处理等方面的新思想与电力系统的传统仿真计算有机地结合起来
Power System Analysis Toolbox
Documentation for PSAT version 2.1.6, June 2, 2011
Federico Milano

2010, 2003 Federico Milano. All rights reserved.

Ai miei genitori

PSAT is a Matlab toolbox for static and dynamic analysis of electric power sys-
tems. The PSAT project began in September 2001, while I was a Ph.D. candidate
at the Universit´a degli Studi di Genova, Italy. The first public version date back
to November 2002, when I was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Waterloo,
Canada. I am currently maintaining PSAT in the spare time, while I am working
as associate professor at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
PSAT is provided free of charge, in the hope it can be useful and other people can use
and improve it, but please be aware that this toolbox comes with ABSOLUTELY
NO WARRANTY; for details type warranty at the Matlab prompt. PSAT is free
software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Refer to
the GNU General Public License (GPL) in Appendix K for details.
The Cathedral of Milan took almost six hundreds years to be completed, from 1386
to 1965. After that, renovations began. In Italy, when we wants to say that a
project never ends, we say that it is like the Cathedral of Milan. PSAT is my
personal tiny cathedral dome. Features, classes and data formats can be partially
or completely changed in future versions. Please visit often my web-page in order
to get the last version:
If you find bugs, have comments or want to give your suggestions, please send me
an e-mail at:
You can also subscribe to the PSAT Forum, which is available at: