



115转存助手ui优化版3.9.1网友魔改_转存提取全修复_user.zip 大约有1个文件
  1. 115转存助手ui优化版3.9.1网友魔改_转存提取全修复_user.js 191.68KB


// ==UserScript== // @name 115转存助手ui优化版3.5改 // @name:zh 115转存助手ui优化版3.5改 // @description 2022.04.02 更新,115转存助手ui优化版 v3.5改 (143.2022.0402.1)(based on Fake115Upload 1.4.3 @T3rry) // @author Never4Ever // @namespace Fake115Upload@Never4Ever // @version 143.2022.0402.1 // @match https://115.com/* // @exclude https://115.com/s/* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_info // @connect proapi.115.com // @connect webapi.115.com // @connect 115.com // @require https://unpkg.zhimg.com/underscore@1.12.0/underscore-min.js // @require https://unpkg.zhimg.com/sweetalert2@11.3.0 // @require https://unpkg.zhimg.com/node-forge@0.10.0/dist/forge.min.js // @require https://unpkg.zhimg.com/emoutils@2.0.0/dist/umd/emoutils.min.js // @require https://cdn.bootcss.com/blueimp-md5/2.10.0/js/md5.min.js // @require https://peterolson.github.io/BigInteger.js/BigInteger.min.js // ==/UserScript== /********************************************* 请从以下获取最新版,或者遇到问题去此反馈,感谢 https://gist.github.com/Nerver4Ever/953447c9ecd330ffc0861d4cbb839369 **********************************************/ /*针对网络问题,只能将不稳定的依赖库放置于此*/ /*jssha@2.3.1/src/sha.js*/ /* A JavaScript implementation of the SHA family of hashes, as defined in FIPS PUB 180-4 and FIPS PUB 202, as well as the corresponding HMAC implementation as defined in FIPS PUB 198a Copyright Brian Turek 2008-2017 Distributed under the BSD License See http://caligatio.github.com/jsSHA/ for more information Several functions taken from Paul Johnston */ 'use strict'; (function (Y) { function C(c, a, b) { var e = 0, h = [], n = 0, g, l, d, f, m, q, u, r, I = !1, v = [], w = [], t, y = !1, z = !1, x = -1; b = b || {}; g = b.encoding || "UTF8"; t = b.numRounds || 1; if (t !== parseInt(t, 10) || 1 > t) throw Error("numRounds must a integer >= 1"); if ("SHA-1" === c) m = 512, q = K, u = Z, f = 160, r = function (a) { return a.slice() }; else if (0 === c.lastIndexOf("SHA-", 0)) if (q = function (a, b) { return L(a, b, c) }, u = function (a, b, h, e) { var k, f; if ("SHA-224" === c || "SHA-256" === c) k = (b + 65 >>> 9 << 4) + 15, f = 16; else if ("SHA-384" === c || "SHA-512" === c) k = (b + 129 >>> 10 << 5) + 31, f = 32; else throw Error("Unexpected error in SHA-2 implementation"); for (; a.length <= k;) a.push(0); a[b >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - b % 32; b = b + h; a[k] = b & 4294967295; a[k - 1] = b / 4294967296 | 0; h = a.length; for (b = 0; b < h; b += f) e = L(a.slice(b, b + f), e, c); if ("SHA-224" === c) a = [e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6]]; else if ("SHA-256" === c) a = e; else if ("SHA-384" === c) a = [e[0].a, e[0].b, e[1].a, e[1].b, e[2].a, e[2].b, e[3].a, e[3].b, e[4].a, e[4].b, e[5].a, e[5].b]; else if ("SHA-512" === c) a = [e[0].a, e[0].b, e[1].a, e[1].b, e[2].a, e[2].b, e[3].a, e[3].b, e[4].a, e[4].b, e[5].a, e[5].b, e[6].a, e[6].b, e[7].a, e[7].b ]; else throw Error("Unexpected error in SHA-2 implementation"); return a }, r = function (a) { return a.slice() }, "SHA-224" === c) m = 512, f = 224; else if ("SHA-256" === c) m = 512, f = 256; else if ("SHA-384" === c) m = 1024, f = 384; else if ("SHA-512" === c) m = 1024, f = 512; else throw Error("Chosen SHA variant is not supported"); else if (0 === c.lastIndexOf("SHA3-", 0) || 0 === c.lastIndexOf("SHAKE", 0)) { var F = 6; q = D; r = function (a) { var c = [], e; for (e = 0; 5 > e; e += 1) c[e] = a[e].slice(); return c }; x = 1; if ("SHA3-224" === c) m = 1152, f = 224; else if ("SHA3-256" === c) m = 1088, f = 256; else if ("SHA3-384" === c) m = 832, f = 384; else if ("SHA3-512" === c) m = 576, f = 512; else if ("SHAKE128" === c) m = 1344, f = -1, F = 31, z = !0; else if ("SHAKE256" === c) m = 1088, f = -1, F = 31, z = !0; else throw Error("Chosen SHA variant is not supported"); u = function (a, c, e, b, h) { e = m; var k = F, f, g = [], n = e >>> 5, l = 0, d = c >>> 5; for (f = 0; f < d && c >= e; f += n) b = D(a.slice(f, f + n), b), c -= e; a = a.slice(f); for (c %= e; a.length < n;) a.push(0); f = c >>> 3; a[f >> 2] ^= k << f % 4 * 8; a[n - 1] ^= 2147483648; for (b = D(a, b); 32 * g.length < h;) { a = b[l % 5][l / 5 | 0]; g.push(a.b); if (32 * g.length >= h) break; g.push(a.a); l += 1; 0 === 64 * l % e && D(null, b) } return g } } else throw Error("Chosen SHA variant is not supported"); d = M(a, g, x); l = A(c); this.setHMACKey = function (a, b, h) { var k; if (!0 === I) throw Error("HMAC key already set"); if (!0 === y) throw Error("Cannot set HMAC key after calling update"); if (!0 === z) throw Error("SHAKE is not supported for HMAC"); g = (h || {}).encoding || "UTF8"; b = M(b, g, x)(a); a = b.binLen; b = b.value; k = m >>> 3; h = k / 4 - 1; if (k < a / 8) { for (b = u(b, a, 0, A(c), f); b.length <= h;) b.push(0); b[h] &= 4294967040 } else if (k > a / 8) { for (; b.length <= h;) b.push(0); b[h] &= 4294967040 } for (a = 0; a <= h; a += 1) v[a] = b[a] ^ 909522486, w[a] = b[a] ^ 1549556828; l = q(v, l); e = m; I = !0 }; this.update = function (a) { var c, b, k, f = 0, g = m >>> 5; c = d(a, h, n); a = c.binLen; b = c.value; c = a >>> 5; for (k = 0; k < c; k += g) f + m <= a && (l = q(b.slice(k, k + g), l), f += m); e += f; h = b.slice(f >>> 5); n = a % m; y = !0 }; this.getHash = function (a, b) { var k, g, d, m; if (!0 === I) throw Error("Cannot call getHash after setting HMAC key"); d = N(b); if (!0 === z) { if (-1 === d.shakeLen) throw Error("shakeLen must be specified in options"); f = d.shakeLen } switch (a) { case "HEX": k = function (a) { return O(a, f, x, d) }; break; case "B64":