



xeonyx-cursors.zip 大约有17个文件
  1. Readme.txt 1.19KB
  2. Scheme.inf 1.49KB
  3. Xeo_altr.cur 4.19KB
  4. Xeo_busy.ani 16.86KB
  5. Xeo_dgn1.cur 4.19KB
  6. Xeo_dgn2.cur 4.19KB
  7. Xeo_hand.cur 4.19KB
  8. Xeo_help.cur 4.19KB
  9. Xeo_horz.cur 4.19KB
  10. Xeo_link.ani 25.26KB
  11. Xeo_move.ani 33.65KB
  12. Xeo_norm.cur 4.19KB
  13. Xeo_prcs.cur 2.19KB
  14. Xeo_text.cur 4.19KB
  15. Xeo_unav.cur 4.19KB
  16. Xeo_vert.cur 4.19KB
  17. Xeo_work.ani 42.05KB


[ Photricity.com ] For more information, and to download other cursors like these, visit www.photricity.com ___________________________________ -Xeonyx Cursors- ___________________________________ If you like smooth, these cursors are made from the smoothest substance known to man. Sort of. But they do use alpha blending to blast away the rough edges. To install: 1. Right click on the "Scheme" file and select "Install." 2. If everything works fine, skip to step 5. 3. If it says it cannot find the files, click "Browse," and locate the folder that contains the cursor files. 4. Then click "Ok" and they will be installed to your Cursors directory. 5. To use the cursors, go to "Mouse Properties" in the Control Panel and click the "Pointers" tab. 6. In the "Scheme" drop-down menu, select "Xeonyx," then click Ok and you should now be able to use the cursors. If you have friends who might like to use these cursors, feel free to distribute them on the condition that all of the original files are included. Should you have any questions, email them to: email@photricity.com ___________________________________ Copyright 2008 Josh Meyer ___________________________________