



owin.zip 大约有22个文件
  1. Debug/
  2. Debug/Microsoft.Owin.dll 119.39KB
  3. Debug/Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.dll 99.39KB
  4. Debug/Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.xml 7.94KB
  5. Debug/Microsoft.Owin.Hosting.dll 78.89KB
  6. Debug/Microsoft.Owin.Hosting.xml 48.54KB
  7. Debug/Microsoft.Owin.xml 167.51KB
  8. Debug/Newtonsoft.Json.dll 490.5KB
  9. Debug/Newtonsoft.Json.xml 467.51KB
  10. Debug/Owin.dll 4.5KB
  11. Debug/OWINServer.dll 8.5KB
  12. Debug/OWINServer.dll.config 918B
  13. Debug/OWINServer.pdb 29.5KB
  14. Debug/System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll 175.47KB
  15. Debug/System.Net.Http.Formatting.xml 188.11KB
  16. Debug/System.Web.Cors.dll 27.98KB
  17. Debug/System.Web.Http.Cors.dll 39.47KB
  18. Debug/System.Web.Http.Cors.xml 14.29KB
  19. Debug/System.Web.Http.dll 445.48KB
  20. Debug/System.Web.Http.Owin.dll 62.7KB
  21. Debug/System.Web.Http.Owin.xml 11.44KB
  22. Debug/System.Web.Http.xml 527.01KB


 System.Web.Http Creates an that represents an exception. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The exception. Creates an that represents an error message. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The error message. Creates an that represents an exception with an error message. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The error message. The exception. Creates an that represents an error. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The HTTP error. Creates an that represents an error in the model state. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The model state. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type formatter. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type formatter. The media type header value. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type formatter.