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ZIPNoSleepHD V2.0,防止硬盘休眠工具



NoSleepHDv2.0.zip 大约有2个文件
  1. Readme.txt 2.45KB
  2. NoSleepHDv2.0.exe 107.5KB


NoSleepHD软件工具,V2.0。 可以通过定时写入小文件的方式防止硬盘休眠,节省唤醒硬盘的时间。 若双击文件无法运行可使用管理员身份运行。
****************************************************************************************** ** NoSleepHD v2.0 ** **A Simple program to stop your external hard-drive from going to Auto-Sleep mode. ** ****************************************************************************************** ** NoSleepHD (c) 2009 Ashutosh Agarwal. All Rights Reserved ** ** Version 2.0 ** ** Date March 31, 2009 ** ****************************************************************************************** 注意:双击打不开时可以使用管理员权限运行,为方便以后操作,可以将exe文件右键属性-兼容性-以管理员权限运行。 New in Version 2.0 ******************* 1. Monitor multiple drives at once. 2. Check if the drive is simply disconnected by user at start-up. I. If drive is disconnected, pause the program and retain the settings until the drive is found. II. If the drive is re-connected, resume monitoring drive(s) with saved settings. 3. Drive information tool. 4. Separate 'About' page. 5. Better error handling. 6. PayPal 'Donate' button. How to use the program: ************************ 1. Select any drive on your external hard disk OR a folder on your external hard disk drive. 2. Set the timer. (10 Minutes Recommended) 3. Press 'Start NoSleep Mode'. Optional Features: ******************* 1. Click 'Info' tab to view drive information. 2. Monitor multiple drives by selecting, more drives in 'Configuration' tab. (Up to 5 External Hard Drives) 3. Hard drive monitoring can be stopped if necessary. (Which would allow the drive to go to auto-sleep. 4. Application can be chosen to sit in the System Tray or simply minimized. 5. Auto-run at start-up can also be enabled. And that is it! No more annoying waiting/connection problem with your external hard disk. Thank you for using the program. Additional Info: ***************** Product Homepage: http://nosleephd.codeplex.com Author: Ashutosh Agarwal Email: agarwal@hotmail.co.uk Author's Website: http://www.ashutoshagarwal.com Donate: ******** NoSleepHD is a free open source project that is developed in personal time. You can show your appreciation for NoSleepHD and support future development by donating. Please find the secure PayPal donate link on Product Homepage.