首页下载资源后端CodeSmith 5.0 Beta 2

ZIPCodeSmith 5.0 Beta 2



codesmith-50-beta2.zip 大约有94个文件
  1. CodeSmith.exe 48KB
  2. CodeSmith.exe.config 265B
  3. CodeSmith50.lic 29.18KB
  4. CodeSmithStudio.exe 664KB
  5. CodeSmithStudio.exe.config 265B
  6. CodeSmithStudio.exe.manifest 506B
  7. cs.exe 32KB
  8. cs.exe.config 265B
  9. csxsd.exe 7KB
  10. history.txt 56.94KB
  11. license.rtf 13.97KB
  12. sourcelicense.txt 8.85KB
  13. AddIns/ActiproSoftware.CodeHighlighter.Net20.dll 224KB
  14. AddIns/CodeSmith.BaseTemplates.dll 32KB
  15. AddIns/CodeSmith.BaseTemplates.xml 13.33KB
  16. AddIns/CodeSmith.CustomProperties.dll 56KB
  17. AddIns/CodeSmith.CustomProperties.xml 106.67KB
  18. AddIns/CustomPropertiesSample.dll 36KB
  19. AddIns/SchemaExplorer.dll 436KB
  20. AddIns/SchemaExplorer.xml 1.2MB
  21. bin/ActiproSoftware.DockableWindow.dll 340KB
  22. bin/ActiproSoftware.Shared.Net20.dll 224KB
  23. bin/ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.Net20.dll 628KB
  24. bin/ActiproSoftware.TabStripPanel.dll 96KB
  25. bin/ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.Net20.dll 164KB
  26. bin/CodeSmith.Engine.dll 2.36MB
  27. bin/CodeSmith.Engine.xml 986.84KB
  28. bin/CodeSmith.Gui.dll 460KB
  29. bin/CodeSmith.MSBuild.dll 24KB
  30. bin/CodeSmith.MSBuild.v3.5.dll 24KB
  31. bin/CodeSmith.MSBuild.v3.5.xml 9.32KB
  32. bin/CodeSmith.MSBuild.xml 9.32KB
  33. bin/CodeSmith.targets 1.34KB
  34. bin/CodeSmith.VisualStudio.Package.dll 88KB
  35. bin/CodeSmithResources.dll 140KB
  36. bin/Extensibility.dll 4.5KB
  37. bin/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 184KB
  38. bin/Interop.ADODB.dll 100KB
  39. bin/Interop.ADOX.dll 36KB
  40. bin/Interop.MSDASC.dll 24KB
  41. bin/Interop.SHDocVw.dll 124KB
  42. bin/Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.Dialog.dll 412KB
  43. bin/Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.dll 6.5KB
  44. bin/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces.dll 8.5KB
  45. bin/System.Drawing.dll 456KB
  46. bin/VSLangProj.dll 52KB
  47. Help/CodeSmith Tools Website.url 54B
  48. Help/CodeSmith.chm 3.29MB
  49. Help/CodeSmithAPI.chm 1.95MB
  50. Help/TipOfTheDay.xml 5.79KB
  51. Languages/BatchFile.xml 7.86KB
  52. Languages/CSharp.xml 24.63KB
  53. Languages/CSS.xml 6.31KB
  54. Languages/HTML.xml 14.79KB
  55. Languages/INI.xml 5.53KB
  56. Languages/Java.xml 12.73KB
  57. Languages/JScript.xml 8.83KB
  58. Languages/Perl.xml 10.01KB
  59. Languages/PHP.xml 27.65KB
  60. Languages/Python.xml 9.57KB
  61. Languages/SQL.xml 13.01KB
  62. Languages/SyntaxEditor.LanguageDefinition.xsd 13.66KB
  63. Languages/VBDotNet.xml 19.03KB
  64. Languages/VBScript.xml 11.4KB
  65. Languages/XML.xml 11.42KB
  66. NewFileTemplates/CodeSmithProject.csp 139B
  67. NewFileTemplates/CSharpTemplate.cst 912B
  68. NewFileTemplates/JScriptTemplate.cst 918B
  69. NewFileTemplates/VBTemplate.cst 954B
  70. Samples/Maps.zip 11.85KB
  71. Samples/Samples.zip 8.56MB
  72. SchemaProviders/SchemaExplorer.ADOXSchemaProvider.dll 28KB
  73. SchemaProviders/SchemaExplorer.MySQLSchemaProvider.dll 36KB
  74. SchemaProviders/SchemaExplorer.OracleSchemaProvider.dll 52KB
  75. SchemaProviders/SchemaExplorer.SqlSchemaProvider.dll 120KB
  76. Schemas/csmap.xsd 2.21KB
  77. Schemas/csp.xsd 7.49KB
  78. StartPage/HeaderBackground.gif 828B
  79. StartPage/LeftPanelDropShadow.gif 810B
  80. StartPage/News.xml 1.26KB
  81. StartPage/PageBackground.gif 829B
  82. StartPage/rss.xslt 4.3KB
  83. StartPage/StartPage.gif 12.11KB
  84. StartPage/StartPage.html 2.56KB
  85. VisualStudio/CodeSmithProjectCSharp.zip 672B
  86. VisualStudio/CodeSmithProjectVisualBasic.zip 676B
  87. VisualStudio/vs2005-install.reg 1.49KB
  88. VisualStudio/vs2005-uninstall.reg 591B
  89. VisualStudio/vs2008-install.reg 1.49KB
  90. VisualStudio/vs2008-uninstall.reg 591B
  91. VisualStudio/vsnet2005_register.bat 2.12KB
  92. VisualStudio/vsnet2005_unregister.bat 2.47KB
  93. VisualStudio/vsnet2008_register.bat 2.15KB
  94. VisualStudio/vsnet2008_unregister.bat 2.49KB


CodeSmith 5.0 Beta 2
Build 5.0.0 (Beta 2) * Changed all SchemaExplorer designers to display in Object (Owner) format so that you can type the first couple letters to jump to the object you are looking for. * Added ability to override plural/singular forms of words to the StringUtil.ToPlural and StringUtil.ToSingular methods. * Added ability to specify Filter="SomeTableSchemaProperty" on ColumnSchema directives which will filter the list of columns in the designer based on the table selected in the specified property. * Added new RegisterReference method to CodeTemplate to indicate which assemblies your generated code relies on so that they can be automatically added in Visual Studio. * Performance improvements in adding files to the project system in Visual Studio. * Added a menu item for managing data sources to the Visual Studio CodeSmith menu. * Added step to the uninstall process to remove all samples and config files. It will also automatically deactivate your license so you can use it on another machine. * Added syntax highlighting for the VB keyword "Infer". * Various improvements to the OracleSchemaProvider including full extended property support. * Made deleting items in the csmap editor more intuitive. * Changed ColumnSchema designer to use a treeview so that all columns for all tables aren't loaded at once. * Fixed issue with duplicate CSP item templates in the C# project system and missing in VB project system. * Fixed error with editing empty CSP files. * Fixed issue with beta license that was causing the application to freeze on startup when behind a firewall. * Fixed a bug with email addresses in the bug report form. Build 5.0.0 (Beta) * Added ability to deep load all schema information at once which results in huge performance improvements. This is used by setting the DeepLoad attribute on any SchemaExplorer property in your template. This would typically be used when you know you are going to use all of the schema information from a database. * Ability to use .net 3.5 features in templates including LINQ. This is accomplished by setting the CompilerVersion attribute on CodeTemplate to "v3.5". * CodeSmith Projects now have a single file output mode to generate all template outputs into a single file. * Added Ability to generate individual project outputs. * Changed Manage Outputs dialog to make it easier to manage outputs and added an options dialog for changing project settings. * Made it so that files being generated from a CodeSmith Project are checked out of source control before being edited. * Improved the custom tool upgrade process so that it works 100% in all scenarios without having to make manual changes afterward. * CodeSmith Projects can now add files to Visual Studio as code behind files to other generated files. * CodeSmith Projects can now set a generated files build action. * Added ability to resolve assemblies located in paths relative to the template now using Path attribute. Looks in template folder and \bin folder by default. * Optimized template caching algorithm allows for much improved performance. * Templates use partial classes now so you can have partial class code behinds and have access to template properties from the code behind file. * Added template metadata caching. * Added GetPropertyAttribute and SetPropertyAttribute to CodeTemplate. * Property attribute values are added for any non-recognized attributes on Property, XmlProperty and CodeTemplate directives. * Made all SchemaExplorer objects serializable. * Fixed bug with refreshing SchemaExplorer objects where it would not show all extended properties of the object after refresh. * Re-organized all sample templates and projects into a more logical folder structure. * Added new NHibernate templates in both C# and Visual Basic. * Made various improvements to the Plinqo templates. * .netTiers updated to the 2.3 Beta version of the templates. * Added VB versions of many sample templates and projects. * Added a couple new maps and ActiveSnippets. * Included the latest version of the NuSoft framework templates. Build 4.1.4 (Final) * Fixed a content encoding issue in the CodeSmith Studio start page. * Fixed a bug in the SQL schema provider that was preventing some default parameter values from being parsed. * Fixed MySQL schema provider to use any version of the MySQL binaries. * Various bug fixes. Build 4.1.3 (Final) * Various improvements to the Plinqo templates. * Made some improvements to the StringUtil.ToPlural and StringUtil.ToSingular methods. * Save all documents and projects before running the GenerateOutputs command. * Fixed a rare CodeSmith Studio crash when loading additional files outside of th IDE. * Added SqlNativeType-SqlDbType.csmap. * Added Stack Trace to error messages resulting from attempting to generate a project. * Updated to the latest version of the syntax editor control which fixes several issues. * Changed CodeSmith engine to use the application / system configuration to figure out which CodeDOM provider to use. This makes it possible to use other template languages. * Fixed a bug with the default parameter regex in SqlSchemaProvider not recognizing parameters defined with the AS keyword. Build 4.1.2 (Final) * Fixed issue with CodeSmith Project files in some Visual Studio configurations that was crashing during generation. * Added CS_ObjectID extended property to tables, views, and commands. * The PLINQO templates have been updated with several enhancements and bug fixes. Build 4.1.1 (Final) * Updated LINQ templates to work with Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2. * Added a Close All But This menu to the document tabs and File menu. * Fixed bug in CodeSmith Studio that was assuming that a user wouldn't rapidly open multiple documents or change documents while compiling. * Fixed crash in AddOutput when template fails to compile. * Fixed error message when reading metadata from project in Visual Studio Package. Build 4.1.0 (Final) * Changed CodeSmith to auto refresh property values every time a template is run except inside CodeSmith Studio where there is an option to enable this behaviour. * Added new "Auto refresh properties" option to CodeSmith Studio that will cause properties to refresh their values before every run. * Added new "Refresh Properties" button to the property grid in CodeSmith Studio to force a property value refresh. * Added new PropertyRefresher attribute that can be used to specify how CodeSmith should refresh a property's value. * Added new RefreshProperties method to CodeTemplate used to force the properties on a template to refresh their values. * Added PropertyRefresher support to all SchemaExplorer objects. * Added PropertyRefresher support to XmlProperty. * Added support for Visual Studio 2008 (Orcas). * Added NoWarn attribute to CodeTemplate to allow ignoring warnings. * Added new Linq to Sql templates. * Added new APOSA templates for the book "Advanced Patterns of Enterprise Architecture". * Added a new IDbConnectionStringEditor interface to SchemaExplorer for providers to support connection string editing. * Added support for the new IDbConnectionStringEditor interface to the SqlSchemaProvider. * Added support for the new IDbConnectionStringEditor interface to the ADOXSchemaProvider. * Added Indexes and Keys to the SchemaExplorer tool window in CodeSmith Studio. * Added OracleSchemaProvider to CodeSmith installation. (Thanks to Geoff McElhanon) * Added MySQLSchemaProvider to CodeSmith installation. (Thanks to David Neal) * Added source code for the SqlSchemaProvider to the sample projects folder. * Added a MapSample.cst template. * Added some merge sample templates. * Fixed bug where self referencing foreign key was not being correctly added to the PrimaryKeys collection. * F