



trialfs.zip 大约有49个文件
  1. Release_uC-FS.html 10.8KB
  2. Application/main.c 1.35KB
  3. Application/Start.c 2.14KB
  4. Application/
  5. Config/ConfigRamDisk.c 5.36KB
  6. Config/FS_Conf.h 1.22KB
  7. Config/FS_X_Panic.c 1.23KB
  8. Config/
  9. DOC/uC-FS-UserManual-V3-10.pdf 3.99MB
  10. DOC/
  11. FS/EFS.h 4.26KB
  12. FS/EFS_Intern.h 7.73KB
  13. FS/FAT.h 4.42KB
  14. FS/FAT_Intern.h 10.18KB
  15. FS/FS.h 29.57KB
  16. FS/FSLib.lib 322.11KB
  17. FS/FS_API.h 1.34KB
  18. FS/FS_CLib.h 1.57KB
  19. FS/FS_ConfDefaults.h 8.73KB
  20. FS/FS_Debug.h 8.14KB
  21. FS/FS_Dev.h 1.27KB
  22. FS/FS_DF_X_HW.h 1.67KB
  23. FS/FS_Int.h 39.41KB
  24. FS/FS_Lbl.h 1.38KB
  25. FS/FS_OS.h 1.71KB
  26. FS/FS_Storage.h 4.67KB
  27. FS/FS_Types.h 5.48KB
  28. FS/IDE_X_HW.h 1.95KB
  29. FS/MMC_SD_CardMode_X_HW.h 3.35KB
  30. FS/MMC_X_HW.h 1.86KB
  31. FS/NAND_X_HW.h 2.46KB
  32. FS/NOR_Private.h 3.37KB
  33. FS/
  34. Inc/Global.h 1.46KB
  35. Inc/
  36. Sample/API/
  37. Sample/API/FS_APIValidation.c 15.1KB
  38. Sample/API/FS_CheckDisk.c 2.32KB
  39. Sample/API/FS_DirOperations.c 4.58KB
  40. Sample/API/FS_NORSectorInfo.c 3.22KB
  41. Sample/API/FS_Performance.c 7.06KB
  42. Sample/API/FS_Start.c 2.14KB
  43. Sample/OS/
  44. Sample/OS/FS_X_ucOS_II.c 3.14KB
  45. Sample/OS/FS_X_Win32.c 4.48KB
  46. Sample/
  47. FS_Start.dsp 4.92KB
  48. FS_Start.dsw 539B
  49. readme.txt 1.04KB


Dear uC/FS tester, This project should serve as an "easy start" with uC/FS. All pathes are relative to the project file. You should therefore be able to copy the entire directory (including all subdirectories) to any location on your harddrive. This uC/FS trial version is shipped as a library to be used with MS Visual C on a PC. It does not contain all sources of uC/FS and therefore you cannot use the library itself on a different architecture. The maximum number of open files is limited to 20 when using the trial version. The RAM disk driver is the default driver. TO use the Windows driver to access logical drives of a Windows NT and Windows 2000 system, please refer to the fs_conf.h in the user manual for additional information. You may only use it in order to evaluate uC/FS for fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances it may be used in a product. If you would like to use it in a product, please get in touch with us: www.micrium.com sales@micrium.com Thank you for your fairness.