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ZIPSecureCRT SecureFXPortable32.zip



SecureCRSecureFXPortable32.zip 大约有102个文件
  1. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/
  2. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/
  3. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/AppInfo/
  4. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/AppInfo/appicon.ico 8.53KB
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  6. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/AppInfo/appicon_32.png 1.66KB
  7. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/AppInfo/appinfo.ini 585B
  8. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/
  9. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Activator.exe 557KB
  10. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/ClientConfigUI70U.dll 1.08MB
  11. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/CommonUI70U.dll 318.5KB
  12. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/ConnectDialog70U.dll 678.5KB
  13. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/FTP.dll 246.5KB
  14. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/FTPSSL.dll 254KB
  15. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/
  16. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/CRiSP.key 5.12KB
  17. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/VShell.key 9.72KB
  18. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/doorway.key 2.12KB
  19. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/vt100.key 1.8KB
  20. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/vt220-linux.key 2.02KB
  21. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/vt220.key 2.48KB
  22. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/vt400.key 3.65KB
  23. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Keymaps/wyse50.key 3.86KB
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  25. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/LicenseUI70U.dll 715KB
  26. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/
  27. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/Japanese.mnu 7.08KB
  28. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/allsystem.mnu 6.75KB
  29. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/default.mnu 8.52KB
  30. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/example.mnu 4.01KB
  31. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/kiosk.mnu 3.79KB
  32. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/send.bmp 310B
  33. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/session1.bmp 1.37KB
  34. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/session2.bmp 1.37KB
  35. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Menus/session3.bmp 886B
  36. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest 1.83KB
  37. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Raw.dll 231.5KB
  38. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Rlogin.dll 231.5KB
  39. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SCP.dll 262.5KB
  40. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SFTP.dll 259KB
  41. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SSH1.enable 16B
  42. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SSH2.dll 953.5KB
  43. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SSH2Client70U.dll 696KB
  44. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SSH2Core70U.dll 1.72MB
  45. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/
  46. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/AddCommentToLogFile.py 3KB
  47. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/AddCommentToLogFile.vbs 3.75KB
  48. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/AutoResponder.vbs 3.05KB
  49. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/BasicReadStringExample.py 2.74KB
  50. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/BasicReadStringExample.vbs 2.9KB
  51. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/ConnectToMultipleSessionsAndSendCommands.vbs 6.48KB
  52. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/CopyOutputToClipboard.py 4.66KB
  53. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/CopyOutputToClipboard.vbs 5.13KB
  54. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/GoogleSelectedText.vbs 1.23KB
  55. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/LogOutputOfSpecificCommand-UseReadString.py 6.25KB
  56. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/LogOutputOfSpecificCommand-UseReadString.vbs 7.69KB
  57. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/SaveSelectedTextToFile.py 3.23KB
  58. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/SaveSelectedTextToFile.vbs 5.04KB
  59. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/SendCommandToAllTabs.py 2.54KB
  60. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/SendCommandToAllTabs.vbs 2.87KB
  61. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/UseIEAsCustomDialog.vbs 15.26KB
  62. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/UseIEAsListOutput.vbs 6.98KB
  63. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/example1.vbs 654B
  64. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/example2.vbs 788B
  65. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Scripts/example3.vbs 821B
  66. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureCRT.chm 876.14KB
  67. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureCRT.exe 3.32MB
  68. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureCRT_HISTORY.TXT 15KB
  69. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureCRT_README.TXT 12.12KB
  70. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureCRT_SecureFX_EULA.txt 6.01KB
  71. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureFX.chm 402.03KB
  72. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureFX.exe 3.71MB
  73. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureFX_History.txt 5.93KB
  74. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/SecureFX_Readme.txt 11.33KB
  75. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Serial.dll 254.5KB
  76. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Tapi.dll 290.5KB
  77. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/Telnet.dll 256KB
  78. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/TelnetSsl.dll 302.5KB
  79. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/VT100.FON 44KB
  80. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/VT100DB.FON 61.5KB
  81. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/VT100DT.FON 61.5KB
  82. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/VT100W.FON 61.5KB
  83. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/ccme_base.dll 1.63MB
  84. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/ccme_base.dll.manifest 382B
  85. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/cryptocme2.dll 1.66MB
  86. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/cryptocme2.dll.manifest 382B
  87. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/cryptocme2.sig 1.57KB
  88. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/mfc100chs.dll 35.33KB
  89. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/mfc100u.dll 4.22MB
  90. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/migrate.exe 1.82MB
  91. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/msvcp100.dll 411.33KB
  92. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/msvcp80.dll 536KB
  93. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/msvcr100.dll 755.83KB
  94. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/msvcr80.dll 612KB
  95. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/python26.dll 2.16MB
  96. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/python26.zip 2.2MB
  97. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/App/VanDyke Clients/sfxcl.exe 3.02MB
  98. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/Data/
  99. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/SecureCRTPortable.exe 97.84KB
  100. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/SecureCRTPortable.ini 162B
  101. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/SecureFXPortable.exe 97.84KB
  102. SecureCRSecureFXPortable32/SecureFXPortable.ini 160B


SecureCRT是一款支持SSH(SSH1和SSH2)的终端仿真程序,简单地说是Windows下登录UNIX或Linux服务器主机的软件。SecureCRT支持SSH,同时支持Telnet和rlogin协议。SecureCRT的SSH协议支持DES,3DES和RC4密码和密码与RSA鉴别。在今后的工作和学习中会经常的用到用来连接linux服务器。 SecureFXP最新版是款方便快捷的文件传输工具。SecureFX可以让你在windows系统中登陆UNIX或Linux的服务器主机并实现管理设置,且能够支持标签化SSH对话。SecureFX还支持SSH1,SSH2,Telnet,RLogin,Serial,和TAPI协议。
SecureCRT(R) 7.0 (Official) -- July 3, 2012 Copyright (C) 1995-2012 VanDyke Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This file contains a SecureCRT product history. It includes lists of new features, changes, and bug fixes sorted by release. For a product description, installation notes, registration information, and contact information, please refer to Readme.txt (downloaded with this installation). Changes in SecureCRT 7.0 (Official) -- July 3, 2012 --------------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - SSH1/SSH2: When a window decoration such as the chat window or button bar was toggled, or the Session or Global Options dialog was closed, IPv6 listening ports being used for tunneling were closed. - Windows: When the mouse hovered over the button bar field in the button bar, SecureCRT could crash. - Mac/Linux: If the tab status indicators were set to "Colored rectangles", SecureCRT crashed when trying to lock a tabbed session. Changes in SecureCRT 7.0 (Beta 4) -- June 19, 2012 -------------------------------------------------- Changes: - Windows: In the File menu, "Connect in Tab..." was changed to "Connect in Tab/Tile...". - Windows: In the Connect dialog, when in tiled mode, the "Open in a tab" option is called "Open in a tiled window". - Windows: The limit on the number of menu items that can be in a custom .MNU file was increased from 2000 to 8000. Bug fixes: - If a script issued an "exit" command to an SFTP session, SecureCRT crashed. - If a script issued an "ls" command to an SFTP session, SecureCRT hung. - When multiple tabs were open, sometimes the leftmost tab was shifted over such that the status indicator icon was partially obscured. - When multiple tabs were open, if a tabbed session was closed, the tab to the left of the closed tab was activated instead of the tab to the right. - If the global option "Confirm when closing multiple tabbed or tiled sessions" was on and the global option "Show confirm disconnect dialog" was off, when a single tabbed session was connected and SecureCRT was closed, the confirm disconnect dialog was displayed. - Windows: If the tab status indicator style was set to "Background colors" and a session was disconnected while in tiled mode, the status indicator was incorrect after switching to tabbed mode. - Mac: When the Quick Connect dialog was displayed, the previous hostname was not highlighted. Changes in SecureCRT 7.0 (Beta 3) -- June 5, 2012 ------------------------------------------------- Changes: - Windows: The "Window" menu was changed so that it always contains the following items: Tabs, Tile Vertically, Tile Horizontally, Cascade, and the list of open sessions. - Windows: If the sessions are tiled and a new session is opened, all the sessions are automatically re-tiled. - Windows: When a tiled session is closed, the remaining sessions are automatically re-tiled. - Windows: When the sessions are tiled and the SecureCRT window is re-sized, the sessions are automatically re-tiled. Bug fixes: - Authentication banners were sometimes displayed at the logon prompt. - Unicode and combining characters (Korean in particular) were sometimes rendered incorrectly. - SecureCRT failed to clear all tabstops when the escape sequence to clear all tabstops was processed. - Windows: SecureCRT could hang when used in a Webex session. - Windows: After SecureCRT had been sitting idle for many hours, the interface could become unresponsive. - Windows: SecureCRT could crash if the application window was resized a lot or a lot of tab switching was done. - Windows: SecureCRT crashed when attempting to record a script if no sessions were open. - Windows: SecureCRT crashed if a script was launched from a button or mapped key and no sessions were open. - Windows: If a mapped key or button used "\v" to paste clipboard data, the data pasted was not correct. - Windows: If a session had the "Scale the font" option set, when switching between tabbed and tiled sessions, that session's font could become extremely large. - Windows: The tab titles of cloned sessions did not contain the number indicator (e.g., "(1)", "(2)", etc.). - Mac: If the left margin was increased, selections were offset by the amount of the margin. - Mac: After using COMMAND+W to close SecureCRT, it could not be launched from the dock icon. Changes in SecureCRT 7.0 (Beta 2) -- May 22, 2012 ------------------------------------------------- Changes: - Custom log data is no longer inserted into raw logs. - Mac/Linux: Added support for the "Display logon prompts in terminal window" option. - Mac: The history, readme, and EULA files are now installed in /Applications/SecureCRT.app/Contents/Resources instead of /Library/Application Support/VanDyke/SecureCRT. Bug fixes: - When the option "Scroll to clear screen" was off in a session, if the same session was opened again in another tab or cloned, the option was on in the new sessions. - SecureCRT did not log Korean characters correctly. - The lock icon was not displayed for locked sessions when the tab appearance was set to "Background colors". The tab is now changed to gray when it's locked. - When the option to show the vertical scroll bar was off, if the application window was maximized and a session was opened in a tab and cloned, the cloned session was blank. - If a tab title was changed via an xterm escape sequence and then the "Session Options" dialog was opened and closed, the tab title was changed to the session name. - Windows: If the toolbar was hidden or the Connect bar was removed from the toolbar, SecureCRT would crash when attempting to display the "View" menu. - Windows: After sending a tiled session to a new window, switching to tabbed mode, and then dragging the session back to the original window, the session name was not displayed. - Windows: If the "Default" session was configured with an incorrect password and the option "Display logon prompts in terminal window" was set, the session failed to connect instead of prompting for the correct password. - Mac/Linux: Attempting to input Korean characters with the IME did not work correctly when one multi-byte character was entered immediately after another multi-byte character. - Mac/Linux: If multiple sessions were connected in tabs at the same time from the "Connect" dialog, the non-active tabs did not have a cursor in them when they activated. - Mac: SecureCRT was not compatible with window managers such Divvy and Deskovery. - Mac: Underscores were displayed as spaces in sessions that used the "Andale Mono" or "Courier New" fonts. Changes in SecureCRT 7.0 (Beta 1) -- May 3, 2012 ------------------------------------------------ New features: - Windows: Added the ability to tile sessions within the SecureCRT application window. Sessions can be tiled vertically, horizontally, or cascaded. Scripts can use the "Tab" object to work with tiled sessions. - Added the ability to start a built-in TFTP server when a session connects. - SSH2: Added the ability to skip authentication methods while authenticating. - When the mouse hovers over a button, the command the button is mapped to is shown as hover text. - Added the ability to map the items on the "Tools" menu to a button or key. - Added the ability to map "Always on Top" to a key. - Added support for the "Insert" key to the Wyse 50/60 emulation. - Windows: Adde