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ZIPVimium C - 全键盘操作浏览器.zip



Vimium C - 全键盘操作浏览器.zip 大约有119个文件
  1. _locales/
  2. _locales/en/
  3. _locales/en/messages.json 6.86KB
  4. _locales/fr/
  5. _locales/fr/messages.json 5.05KB
  6. _locales/sp/
  7. _locales/sp/messages.json 5.1KB
  8. _locales/zh/
  9. _locales/zh/messages.json 5.18KB
  10. _locales/zh_CN/
  11. _locales/zh_CN/messages.json 294B
  12. _locales/zh_TW/
  13. _locales/zh_TW/messages.json 5.07KB
  14. background/
  15. background/action_icon.js 1.02KB
  16. background/all_commands.js 16.9KB
  17. background/browser.js 5.28KB
  18. background/browsing_data_manager.js 9.57KB
  19. background/clipboard.js 9.05KB
  20. background/completion.js 13.97KB
  21. background/completion_utils.js 5.74KB
  22. background/define.js 355B
  23. background/eval_urls.js 6.15KB
  24. background/exclusions.js 3.42KB
  25. background/filter_tabs.js 8.03KB
  26. background/frame_commands.js 10.24KB
  27. background/help_dialog.js 7.74KB
  28. background/i18n.js 1.5KB
  29. background/key_mappings.js 19.11KB
  30. background/main.js 2.54KB
  31. background/normalize_urls.js 8.66KB
  32. background/open_urls.js 16.27KB
  33. background/others.js 5.98KB
  34. background/page_handlers.js 5.21KB
  35. background/parse_urls.js 9.31KB
  36. background/ports.js 9.14KB
  37. background/request_handlers.js 11.09KB
  38. background/run_commands.js 7.92KB
  39. background/run_keys.js 12.06KB
  40. background/settings.js 11.81KB
  41. background/store.js 2.24KB
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  45. background/ui_css.js 3.86KB
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  50. content/injected_end.js 1.63KB
  51. content/vimium-c.js 95.95KB
  52. front/
  53. front/help_dialog.html 7.12KB
  54. front/offscreen.html 45B
  55. front/tee.js 2.18KB
  56. front/vimium-c.css 3.19KB
  57. front/vomnibar-tee.html 45B
  58. front/vomnibar.html 5.95KB
  59. front/vomnibar.js 30.55KB
  60. i18n/
  61. i18n/en/
  62. i18n/en/action.js 509B
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  65. i18n/en/options.js 3.41KB
  66. i18n/fr/
  67. i18n/fr/action.js 481B
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  70. i18n/fr/options.js 3.01KB
  71. i18n/zh/
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  76. i18n/zh_TW/
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  80. i18n/zh_TW/options.js 13.75KB
  81. icons/
  82. icons/disabled.bin 7.05KB
  83. icons/enabled.bin 7.05KB
  84. icons/enabled_19.png 650B
  85. icons/enabled_38.png 1KB
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  88. icons/icon32.png 1.62KB
  89. icons/icon48.png 2.35KB
  90. icons/partial.bin 7.05KB
  91. lib/
  92. lib/injector.js 3.71KB
  93. lib/math_parser.js 9.81KB
  94. lib/simple_eval.js 23.51KB
  95. lib/viewer.css 7.53KB
  96. lib/viewer.js 35.79KB
  97. LICENSE.txt 2.19KB
  98. manifest.json 3.09KB
  99. pages/
  100. pages/action.html 5.35KB
  101. pages/async_bg.js 4.47KB
  102. pages/blank.html 155B
  103. pages/define.js
  104. pages/loader.js 1.09KB
  105. pages/options.css 14.13KB
  106. pages/options.html 35.18KB
  107. pages/options_action.js 6.62KB
  108. pages/options_base.js 7.52KB
  109. pages/options_checker.js 6.09KB
  110. pages/options_defs.js 12.28KB
  111. pages/options_ext.js 9.5KB
  112. pages/options_permissions.js 5.3KB
  113. pages/options_wnd.js 11.48KB
  114. pages/show.css 1.63KB
  115. pages/show.html 959B
  116. pages/show.js 15.59KB
  117. settings-template.json 11.2KB
  118. _metadata/
  119. _metadata/verified_contents.json 12.88KB


Vimium C,这个开源且免费的浏览器扩展,是全键盘操作爱好者的得力助手。它打破了传统浏览习惯,让您仅用键盘即可执行点击链接、切换标签页、搜索内容等操作,而且支持快捷键的自定义设置,让您的浏览体验更加流畅和个性化。 主要特性概览: 一键式操作:通过按下特定的功能键,如 F 键自动高亮所有可点击链接,O 键唤出多功能搜索框,以及 J/K/H/L 实现类似 VIM 的屏幕滚动,Vimium C 让网页浏览变得前所未有的便捷。 高级搜索功能:使用 / 进行正则表达式搜索,\w 执行整词匹配,Vimium C 让查找信息变得精准无比。 标签页管理:通过 Shift+J、Shift+K 等快捷键轻松在标签页间切换,X 关闭当前标签页,Shift+X 快速恢复,Vimium C 让标签页管理更加高效。 自定义与扩展性:所有快捷键均可自由绑定或添加新命令,满足您对个性化浏览体验的追求。 高级快捷键用法:支持数字前缀设置数量,如 5 后跟 Shift+X 恢复 5 个标签页,-15X 关闭当前和左侧共 15 个标签页。 网址筛选与禁用:使用正则表达式筛选网址,提供“只禁用列表内”和“列
Copyright 2023-present Gong Dahan Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ======================================================================= # License for old code before 2023-07-15T00:00:00.000Z The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Gong Dahan, Phil Crosby, Ilya Sukhar. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software before 2023-07-15T00:00:00.000Z and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ======================================================================= Another exception is, the translation files in [_locales/](https://github.com/gdh1995/vimium-c/tree/master/_locales) belong to [CC-BY-SA-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/), except some of those English sentences which are the same as [philc/vimium](https://github.com/philc/vimium)'s are under Vimium's MIT license.