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ZIPrxtx项目运行资源 x64 jar 包



mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64.zip 大约有9个文件
  1. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/
  2. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/ReleaseNotes.txt 833B
  3. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/rxtxSerial.dll 126.5KB
  4. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/rxtxParallel.dll 83KB
  5. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/RXTXcomm.jar 59.55KB
  6. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/Install.txt 1.03KB
  7. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/BuildProperties.txt 406B
  8. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/Readme.txt 2.05KB
  9. mfz-rxtx-2.2-20081207-win-x64/jre-8u201-windows-x64.tar.gz 71.29MB


rxtx项目运行资源 x64 jar 包
Overview ----------------------------------------------- This package contains a custom binary distribution of the RXTX serial package for Java. Courtesy of Mfizz, Inc. (http://mfizz.com/) http://mfizz.com/oss/rxtx-for-java NOTE: If you include my builds in any of your distributions, please make sure to at least provide a note of thanks to Cloudhopper in your own ReleaseNotes. For example, "RXTX binary builds provided by Mfizz Inc. (http://mfizz.com/). Please see http://mfizz.com/oss/rxtx-for-java for more info." RXTX is a great package, but they were lacking pre-built binaries for x64 versions of Windows. I also wanted a version built explicitly with Microsoft Visual Studio rather than MinGW. Please see ReleaseNotes.txt for information about this specific release. Customization ----------------------------------------------- 1. I've based my build on recent CVS snapshots. Please see the ReleaseNotes.txt for information about which snapshot I based this distribution on. 2. Removed UTS_NAME warning from .c files to match kernel with the version you compiled against. 3. Changed version in RXTXVersion.jar and in SerialImp.c to match my release so that I know its compiled via a CVS snapshot. win-x86, win-x64, ia64 ----------------------------------------------- Built using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 - not MinGW. The x86 and x64 versions are native and do not rely on any other non-standard windows libraries. Just drop in the compiled .dlls that are specific to the version of Java you run. If you installed the 64-bit version of the JDK, then install the x64 build. I've tested the x86 and x64 version with Windows 2008, 2003, and Vista SP1. linux-i386 & linux-x86_64 ----------------------------------------------- Built using CentOS 5.2 and gcc 4.1.2. Just drop in the compiled .dlls that are specific to the version of Java you run. If you installed the 64-bit version of the JDK, then install the x64 build. I've tested the x86 and x64 versions with x86 and x64 versions of CentOS 5.0 and 5.2.