



MultiDesk.zip 大约有8个文件
  1. MultiDesk/
  2. MultiDesk/license.txt 1016B
  3. MultiDesk/MultiDesk.exe 329.5KB
  4. MultiDesk/MultiDesk.xml 1.02KB
  5. MultiDesk/MultiDesk64.exe 430.5KB
  6. MultiDesk/readme-chs.txt 1.51KB
  7. MultiDesk/readme.txt 1.63KB
  8. MultiDesk/MultiDesktop下载 3.0 中文版_远程桌面客户端 - pc6下载站.url 552B


MultiDesk 是一个选项卡(TAB标签)方式的远程桌面连接 (Terminal Services Client)。
MultiDesk v3.0 2013-05-23 http://www.syvik.com/multidesk/ MultiDesk is a tabbed Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client). Features: * Only ONE executable file, small, fast (written in C++), green! * Portable and SSD/flash drive friendly * New style: status bar and fit window with margin * Manage remote desktop connections in groups * Inherit username and password from group properties * Drag and drop support for moving servers and groups * Tabbed connections * Connect to console * Change connection port * Import cached MSTSC connections * Redirect specified drives (Need RDP 6) * Quick Connect * Convenient Full Screen resolution switch Requires: Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client) 6.0 or higher (optional) Windows XP/2003 or higher RDP 6 Download Links: Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.1) for Windows XP (KB952155) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=6e1ec93d-bdbd-4983-92f7-479e088570ad Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB925876) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=160ce316-bf2b-48d0-a035-e2abbc55d8e8 Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows Server 2003 (KB925876) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=cc148041-577f-4201-b62c-d71adc98adb1 Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB925876) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=43c0eae9-6b64-428f-a9dc-f97f5a1b4493